Export or reuse geometry for New Analysis

Application PLAXIS 2D
Version PLAXIS 2D
Date created 16 December 2016
Date modified 16 December 2016

At times we need to work on the same geometry for different purposes in different projects, and it would be handy if there is a way of exporting the geometry at our disposal.

Since PLAXIS 3D 2017 version, it is possible to export the geometry to DXF, STEP/STP, BRep and STL format using the command line: Export a PLAXIS model to CAD for post-processing.

Apart from the available command, there is a way to reuse the geometry through the functionality called Examine commands in the Expert menu.


  1. Open up the relevant projects, and go to menu Expert > Examine commands
    PLAXIS 2D: menu examine commands
  2. Select Reduce to geometry only from the upper right of the dialogue box
  3. Save the modified command log file with a different name via. File > Save checked
    PLAXIS 2D: examine commands for geometry only
  4. Open up Plaxis and start a new project, go to menu Expert > Run commands
  5. Load the saved command log file via File > Open and select Run everything


How to recreate geometry using commands

How to recreate geometry using commands


See also