How can I detach a specific Item Type from an element

 Subarea:Item Types

How can I detach a specific Item Type from an element


I have an element which has 2 Item Types attached

And I want to Detach “Doors” Item Type from the element.

Steps to Accomplish

Option 1 : Manual Option

When you issue a ItemType Detach key-in Or select the Detach Item icon from the ribbon, the Detach Item tool box loads where you can select the required Item type to delete. By default its set to Detach All Or the previous selection is retained.


Option 2 : Key-in

Key-ins can be used where you require some automation. I used BMR “Bentley Macro Recorder” (Drawing > Utilities > Macros) to get the following key-in.

Select the element and issue the following key-in.
MDL KEYIN Bentley.CustomProperties, Bentley.CustomProperties ITEMTYPE DETACH; ITEMTYPE SETTINGS DESELECTALL; ITEMTYPE SETTINGS SELECT Architectural\Doors; point absolute


See Also

Introduction to MicroStation Connect Edition Item Types


Other Language Sources


 Original Author:Leonard Jones