Opening "In Use" File Takes Too Long

  Product: MicroStation  
  Version: CONNECT version and later  
  Environment: Windows 10  
  Area: DGN  
  Subarea: Open  


There is a significant delay when opening a file that is already in use. It takes 10+ seconds for the file to open and display the alert message for Read-Only mode. This did not occur in MicroStation v8i.


Set the following variables in your configuration - this will especially help when experiencing the issue with network files.

(DGN Open for Write)
If set, shortens delay in opening a DGN that is already open for editing elsewhere. If not set, MicroStation tries 50 times to open the file for editing before displaying an alert for a sharing violation. You can set a value lower than 50 for quicker access to the DGN as a read only file. For example, if set to 10, MicroStation will try 10 times to open the file for editing before displaying an alert message.

(DGN Open for Read)
If set, shortens delay in opening a DGN as read-only. If not set, MicroStation tried 20 times to open the DGN for editing before opening it as read-only. You can set a value lower than 20 for quicker access to the DGN.
For example, if set to 10, MicroStation will try 10 times to open the file for editing before displaying an alert message.

To set this on a single machine, perform these steps:
1. Open the Personal.ucf with Notepad. This file is normally located at C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Bentley\MicroStation\10.0.0\prefs\Personal.ucf
2. Add the following lines anywhere in the file.

3. Save the file and close/reopen MicroStation. The affected design files should now open much faster.

These variables can also be added at higher levels of configuration such as the Standards.cfg, Workspace.cfg, Workset.cfg, etc. This could potentially affect many other machines. Normally, these config files are only edited by admins of your organization.

See Also

Operation Configuration Variables - Help Doc

MicroStation CONNECT Edition Configuration Variables

Other language sources



  Original Author: Jayson Perry