Clustering Plot Dashboard Card Configuration


The Clustering Plot Card allows to select multiple sensors sharing a similar metric and display those sensors on a graph with mirrored X and Y axes to analyze potential clustering of sensor data.  This page will guide the user in configuring a Clustering Plot Dashboard card.

Creating a Dashboard Card

To create a new card, the user can click the    icon within the upper left corner of the screen to begin customizing a new card. Upon adding a new Card, a placeholder card will be added to the Dashboard, and along the right side of the screen the user will be given the first set of configuration options for the card, "Card Type" and "Card Title". 

1. From the "Card Type" dropdown list, select "Clustering Plot".

2. "Card Title" allows the user to name the card.

3. Sensor Selection- Click the "Add sensor" button to select the sensor or sensors. After clicking the button, a pop-up selection window will appear, illustrated below. The user can select one or multiple sensors from the available sensors list. After making the sensor selection, click the "Done" icon in the lower right of the pop-up window. Note: In order to display multiple sensors on a single card, the sensors must share the same metric.

After making the sensor selection, the selected sensors will be visible below the "Add sensor" button. From here the user can change the color of the data points for sensors by clicking the color box to the left of the sensor name, and delete the sensor from the card by clicking the "trash" icon to the right of the sensor name.

4. Axis Options- Selecting the "Axis" button opens the selection pane for selecting sensor metrics and metric units. 

5. Display Options- Selecting the "Display" button opens the selection pane for customization of the clustering plot. 

a. X-Axis Limits- Applies minimum and maximum limits to the X-axis of the graph.

b. Y-Axis Limits- Applies minimum and maximum limits to the Y-axis of the graph.

c. Show Graph Legend- Adds a legend box to the graph to assist users with reading sensor data on the clustering plot. 

d. Add Plotlines- Clicking the "+Add Plotline" button adds a plotline to the graph and opens additional configuration options for the plotlines. From this dropdown the user can delete the plotline using the trashcan icon, add a plotline name, set direction of plotline (X or Y axis), assign a value, and change the color of the line. Multiple plotlines can be added to a single graph.

6. Once these selections are made, the placeholder card will be replaced by the fully configured "Clustering Plot" card, as illustrated below. Click the blue "Save" button in the upper right to save the card to the Dashboard, or to immediately configure another card to the Dashboard click the "+Card" button on the upper left.

Clustering Plot Card Options

Once the card is configured, a number of additional options become available. This section will cover those options.

1. Legend- The legend in the lower left allows users to click the name of sensors to hide/show them on the clustering plot card.

2. Kebab Options- The kebab icon in the upper right opens a download options tab with several download format options.

3. Full-screen mode- Opens the graph in full-screen mode within the current browser window.

Manipulating the Card

After several cards have been created, a user may need to move or resize cards to best visualize data and information. Within Dashboard edit mode, the user can move or resize cards. After making any changes, be sure to save the changes by clicking the blue "Save" icon on the upper right corner of the Dashboard.

1. Moving Card- If hovering over the upper title portion of a card, a "Move" icon will appear. Click and holding allows the user to drag and drop the Card. Other cards will be repositioned automatically as the selected card is moved. 

2. Resizing Card- Clicking the lower right corner of the card allows the user to change the vertical and horizontal size of the card.