Creating a New Project - Register Asset


Once a new Bentley IMS account is created for iTwin IoT, admin users can access their system with their personal account and create assets to be monitored in the app.


This article will cover:

Login into the software

1 - Visit on your browser (Chrome recommended).

2 - Input your personal account information on the new page.


3 - Finish the 2-factor authentication (2FA) on your cellphone.


Register Asset

Once logged into the app, an admin user can create an asset by following the steps below.

1 - Click on Register Asset.


Configuring a New Asset



1 - Input the Asset's name.

2 - Define the location and draw the Asset's extent if possible.

3 - Add a cover picture that can be used as a miniature in an Asset's list.

4 - Select a time zone for the project.

5 - Add a data center location.

6 - Select the box to allow external team members to be added to this asset, if applicable.

7 - Hit "Create" to add the asset to the asset list.


Assets List

Once created, the assets will be shown as miniatures in the Recents and Favorites bars and in a tabular list at the bottom of the page.