Upgrade Comparison Tool Tech Notes

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A lot has changed since the last release of v8i version of ProStructres. During this time product was improved and minor defects affecting bar location in various tools were adjusted, to make the solution more intuitive and straightforward. Most of those fixes have to do with cover distances. This means that when upgrading v8i files to CONNECT Edition, main bar location might be slightly shifted, and stirrups/ties might change their dimensions.
It is highly recommended to finish ongoing projects started in ProStructures v8i withing the same software version. To have the ability to upgrade the models to ProStructures CONNECT Edition and understand those possible minor differences in geometry and location of rebar, the Upgrade Comparison Tool has been developed.
When the tool is executed it will show a list of bars that are different compared to the original v8i model. From there users can highlight specific bars, investigate the difference, review possible difference reason, adjust it in CONNECT Edition model and update its status.

Listed below are all the known cases where upgraded models might be different from the original files. Each case contains a brief explanation together with sample images from both v8i and CONNECT Edition product versions, as well as example tool settings. Where possible, the solution to make models identical was also described.

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The Rebar Comparison Key-ins:

Rebar Comparison Createattachment:
This key-in is used to create the RebarComparison dgn file and attach the same as the reference file in the model. It will not compare the dgn files but will allow users to check for differences in the model manually.

Rebar Comparison Removeattachment:
This key-in is used to remove the referenced RebarComparison dgn which is added by using key-in ‘rebar comparison create attachment’. This key-in only removes the corresponding RebarComparison dgn file out of all referenced files if there are any attached already.

Rebar Comparison Showdiff:
This key-in is used to create the RebarComparison file, attach it as a reference, will do the comparison of rebars in reference file and master file and will list out the differences in rebar, if any, with possible reason.

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User Interface
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1. Highlight Active
This option allows highlighting the upgraded rebar object in the active (upgraded to CONNECT Edition) model.

2. Highlight Reference
This option allows highlighting the upgraded rebar object in the reference (original v8i) model.

3. Isolate Selected
This option allows isolating rebar selected from the list in the model.

4. Fit Selected
This option allows fitting the view on the rebar selected from the list.

5. Export to CSV
This option allows exporting the rebar difference list to a csv file.

6. Reason Code Information
This is a link to the page containing explanations of the possible differences between upgraded and original models.

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  1. Open the V8i generation dgn file in ProStructures CONNECT Edition Update3.

  2. During file opening, select the option to make a backup of dgn file before upgrading it. (It is necessary to have the backup file to use Rebar Comparison Tool).

  3. Once the dgn is opened, open the key-in dialog and run the key-in ‘rebar comparison showdiff’.

  4. It will ask to select the dgn file for comparison. Select the backup copy of the original dgn file.

  5. Once the comparison file is selected, a ‘__RebarComparison’ dgn file will be created and attached as a reference in the master file automatically. Then, it will compare the rebar in the reference file and master file and will list out the differences in rebar with possible reasons.

  6. After closing the Rebar Comparison dialog, the reference file will be removed.

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Known Differences
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Case 1.1 Beam Main Bars and Stirrups
Location Difference, Geometry Difference, Fixed v8i Bug

V8i Defect: Incorrect cover values in v8i.
Fixed in CONNECT Edition, affecting the Stirrups leg lengths and Main Bar Location.



How to recreate v8i model:
Adjust cover to match v8i model

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Case 1.2 Beam Main Bars Only

Location Difference, Fixed v8i Bug


V8i Defect: Incorrect cover values in v8i. 

Fixed in CONNECT Edition, affecting the location of Main Bars.



How to recreate v8i model:
Adjust cover to match v8i model.

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Case 1.3 Beam Stirrups Only

Location Difference, Known Issue

When only stirrups are modeled in a beam, cover values are incorrect in CONNECT Edition.

This issue will be fixed in future updates.



How to recreate v8i model:
Adjust cover to match v8i model.

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Case 1.4 Beam Main Bars
Location Difference, Fixed v8i issue.

Middle bars are aligned to the corner bars, creating a gap between them and stirrups.
Fixed in CONNECT Edition, correcting the location of middle side bars



How to recreate v8i model:
Cannot be adjusted. Bars are modeled correctly

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Case 2.1 Column Vertical Bars

Location Difference, Fixed v8i Issue

When no ties were modeled in v8i and cover was set to 0, vertical bars were not respecting that setting.
Fixed in CONNECT Edition, correcting Vertical Bar location.



How to recreate v8i model:
Change cover to match v8i model or Tie bar size from the Ties Tab, even when no ties are modeled.

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Case 2.2 Column Vertical Bars
Location Difference, Known Issue

When no corner bars are modeled In the column, middle vertical bars are slightly shifted in CONNECT Edition.
This issue will be fixed in future updates.



How to recreate the v8i model:
Cannot be adjusted. This issue will be fixed in a future update.

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Case 2.3 Column Vertical Bars
Location Difference, Fixed v8i issue

Middle bars are located according to the corner bars, creating a gap between them and ties.
Fixed in CONNECT Edition, eliminating the gap.



How to recreate the v8i model:
Cannot be adjusted. Bars are modeled correctly.

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Case 3.1 Pad Footing Reinforcement
Location Difference, Fixed v8i Bug

When bars were distributed by Quantity, Offset value "0" was not respected in v8i.
Fixed in CONNECT Edition, affecting edge bars location.



How to recreate the v8i model:
Adjust Offsets to bar diameter size (i.e. for #6 bar use 3/4" Offset).

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Case 3.2 Pad Footing Reinforcement
Location Difference, Fixed v8i Bug

When bars were distributed by Spacing and "0" value was used for both Offsets and Side Cover in v8i, bars centerline was placed on the edge of the concrete, making edge rebar stick out of concrete.
Fixed in CONNECT Edition, affecting edge bar location.



How to recreate the v8i model:
Use negative Offset of half bar diameter to place bars centerlines on the edge of the concrete.

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Case 3.3 Pad Footing Reinforcement
Location Difference, Fixed v8i Bug

When bars were modeled by quantity, offsets values higher than "0" were disregarded in v8i.
Fixed in CONNECT Edition, affecting bar location



How to recreate the v8i model:

Adjust Offset settings to match v8i model rebar locations.

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Case 3.4 Circular Template Ties
Geometry Difference, Known Issue

Circular Template Ties have an imperfection in CONNECT Edition.
Known Issue affecting bar geometry. This will be fixed in future updates.



How to recreate the v8i model:
Cannot be adjusted. This issue will be fixed in future updates.

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Case 4.1 Circular Opening Trimmer Bars
Geometry Difference, Known Issue

Parallel bars to circular openings have an imperfection in CONNECT Edition
Known Issue affecting bar geometry. This will be fixed in future updates.




How to recreate the v8i model:
Cannot be adjusted. This issue will be fixed in future updates.

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Case 5.1 End Conditions of Semicircular Single Rebar and Single Rebar Distribution
Geometry Difference, Known Issue 

Semicircular bars with bends as End Conditions have an imperfection on one of the ends in CONNECT Edition.
Known Issue affecting bar geometry. This will be fixed in future updates.



How to recreate the v8i model:
Cannot be adjusted. This issue will be fixed in future updates.

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Case 6.1 Semicircular Single Rebar Distribution
Geometry Difference, Known Issue

The issue occurs with Semicircular Single Rebar Distribution. Bars are modeled incorrectly (full circle instead of arc) and both end conditions are incorrect.
Known Issue affecting bar geometry. This will be fixed in future updates.



How to recreate the v8i model:
Cannot be adjusted. This issue will be fixed in future updates.

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Case 7.1 Irregular Dispatch -  Multiple Arc Intermediate Points
Geometry Difference, Known issue

The issue occurs when two consecutive guidelines are used as Arc Intermediate Point in Irregular Dispatch tool.
Known Issue affecting bar geometry. This will be fixed in future updates



How to recreate the v8i model:
In Irregular Dispatch Reinforcing, remove one of the middle guidelines from the List in Main Reinforcing Tab.

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