How to export ProSteel Lists to Excel

 Applies To 
 Product(s):ProSteel 3D Professional
 Environment: N\A
 Area: General
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Detlef Hackbarth, Bentley Technical Support Group



The Prosteel Data can be exported to MicroSoft Excel but two "specials" have to to observed.

Steps to Accomplish

1. Specials with the export from ProStructures

Starting from the dialogue ProStructures Partlist menue Delivery you choose a *.lst-format e.g. for groups. In the following mask you can simply choose Direct to... MicroSoft Excel Format (red frame):

This will be the result:

The format will be "crowded" and hardly usable within Excel. Therefore select Options (green frame) and choose "Only data from table object(s)" from the tab Output:

The table will contain the plain data from your partlist - but oooh! The numbers are signed with an error indicator (green triangle) and in text format! They're not countable!


2. Editing the data within Excel: Use the Paste Special Command (from

1.In any blank cell, type the value 1.

2.Make sure the cell you typed 1 in is formatted as a number.

3.Select the cell in which you typed 1, and then right click and choose Copy.

4.Select the cells with the values that you want to convert to numbers.

5.Right click and choose Paste Special.

6.Under Operation, click Multiply and then click OK


7.Leave the cells selected; right click and choose Format cells…

8.On tab Number select Category: Number

See Also

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External Links

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