Installation Steps for OpenPlant Modeler

Applies To 
Product(s): OpenPlant Modeler
Version(s): 08.11.09.XXX(SS5) | (SS6)
Environment: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64 bit)
Area: Installation
Original Author: Jaya Tiwari, Bentley Product Advantage Group


As described below, please follow installation steps for installing OpenPlant Modeler.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Prior to installation king run Prerequisites for Bentley Desktop Applications (v08.11.09.03).
  2. Click on opm081111304en.exe file & Run As Administrator.

  3. Hit 'Yes' To allow changes on machine.

  4. It can take sometime fro Extraction of all files.

  5. Click OK for extracting Installation Package.

  6. Install the Product, see below image.

  7. Installation Complete Click  on Finish.

See Also

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