How to Deal With Custom Equipment Created From Shared Cells

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant ModelServer & OpenPlant Modeler
Version(s) &
Environment:Windows 7/8 (64 bit)
Original Author:Harpreet Singh, Bentley Product Advantage Group



When we create custom equipment from graphics imported from other CAD tools, these graphics are imported as shared cell which are not supported by OPMS. Sometimes these equipment once checked into server can't be checked out or the graphics are lost after check out. But there are some tricks which user should use before making the custom equipment out of those imported graphics.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Open the file which has the imported graphics.
  2. Select the equipment and drop the equipment with highlighted options shown below.

  3. After drop element, select all the graphical elements and go to Utilities>Key-in and key-in 'Drop Sharecell' command and hit enter.

  4. Now select all the elements and create a custom equipment using existing graphics.

  5. Once the equipment is created, you can verify the result by checking-in & out the equipment.

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