How to Create Group of Components through Named Group in OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant PID CONNECT Edition

Environment: Windows 8.1/10 (64-bit)
Subarea: User interface.
Original Author:Ashutosh Patil,Bentley Product Advantage Group


In OpenPlant Modeler there is a feasibility to extract all the configuration being used into one note.txt file.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Launch the OpenPlant PID U7

  2. Select OPPID-01-SURGEFEED.dgn from default P&IDs provided in every project which is displayed as shown below:

  3. Would be selecting components which are in the box as shown below from P&ID i.e Control Station consisting of Flow Control valve and Bypass Valve along with Pipeline.

  4. Change the workflow to Drawing from OpenPlant PID as shown below

  5. In Drawing workflow, Select Home tab and at the end in Group click on dropdown arrow of Named Group.

  6. Named Group dialog box gets launched as shown below:

  7. Click on first icon New Named Group-A and give the name Control Station-B.

    Since elements are not selected and groups are created hence its shows 0 in Elemets and in Groups.
  8. Select the components or Elements which need to be groupd Control Station -1 - A , In Named Group click on Add Elements-B which will pop up Add to Graphics dialog box.

    In Add to Graphic Group has the feature of Named Group section which would be helpful for moving the selected group of elements to desired group and member type shows which group is active.
  9. Click in other working area of dgn make sure don’t proceed for right click else the selection of components or elements need to be done again.It can be viewed that Elements are getting added Control Station-1 as 15 with groups nos 0.

  10. If double click on Control Station-1 in Named Group the Elements gets highlighted .

    In above image doubled clicked on Control station-1 -right click copy and no of instances for as one and pasted in outlet of vessel. Second pasted control is further then in Named Group added with name Control Station-2.Simultanously for new copied group new tags are defined when complete manipulation task of Paste is done.

  11. Incase if any element need to rectified in any group or in single group then select the group and click on Set Displayset from Selected Named Group such that elements in that group remains in the dgn and other of P&ID is turned off.

  12. And When cleared Displayset the entire P&ID is displayed again.


    Thus Named Group helps in creating group of particulars elements and minimize the work efforts for verification ,manipulation or rectification.

See Also

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