To Resolve Instrument Line Spacing Issue via Schema Customization in OpenPlant PID Connect Edititon

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant PID
Version(s):CONNECT Edition Update 11 (
Environment:Windows 10 (64 bit)
Subarea: XXXX
Original Author:

Chanchal Mashalkar, Bentley Global Technical Support Group


This document describes how to create an extra class for instrument spacing using the Bentley Class Editor.

Problem Description

In OpenPlant PID, there's a user who need to have the Gap/Jumper distance identical to the default Pipeline Gap. To fulfill this need, the user has to modify the gap distance in the class named SPACING_DEFAULT in the OPPID schema. However, these modifications result in a visible gap when the pipeline crosses any equipment or valve, which is not desired by the user. It's impossible to satisfy both conditions simultaneously. The creation of an extra class to cater to the user's need is demonstrated in this wiki article.



Steps to Resolve

  1. Launch Bentley Class Editor

  2. Open OpenPlant_PID.01.08.ecschema.xml and Supplement it with OpenPlant_PID_Supplemental_Design.01.08.ecschema.xml.

  3. Add the New Class by right click on the Classes as shown in the image below.

  4. Create a new class by the name SPACING_INSTRUMENT_LINE_LIST as shown in the image below.

  5. Add the pid.SPACING_CONTAINER base class on this newly created class.
    Note: The base class schema available in the workspace level. To add this first open the pid.01.08.ecschema.xml in class editor from the workspace. Then go to the newly created class >right click on it >Base classes > SPACING_CONTAINER

  6. Add Custom Attribute Doubles List in the same class and give the Items value as it is mentioned for SPACING_PIPE_RUN i.e. 78.75.

  7. Go to SignalLine Class in the properties section search for SPACING_CLASSNAME property and override it then change the default value from SPACING_DEFAULT to SPACING_INSTRUMENT_LINE_LIST in property custom attribute as shown in the image.

  8. Save the Schema and Verified the result.

See Also   

Still a Problem?

If above problem still persists, then please log a Case and contact the Bentley Global Technical Support group.  While logging a case, please include all relevant information to get in-depth analysis for a solution or workaround. 

 Link to log a case is available Here>>>

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