To assist in our efforts to provide premium-level support to users of our products through Bentley Communities, we have put in place an efficient and secure way for you to provide Bentley files that will help solve issues you are having. The steps to do this are as follows:
1. You need to identify the Forum thread URL:
This helps coordinate the file(s) being provided with the forum post and member they relate to.
2. Then open this link, which is identified in the footer of the Communities portal.
Enter your email address, first and last name, company or organization you are with, and then the "Forum thread URL" copied from from step #1. Then select files from your computer or network to upload (maximum of 2GB in size) and click on "Upload File(s)". You may additionally drag and drop files directly into the window shown on the right. There is an activity indicator identifying that the upload is taking place. Once complete, an informational message indicates if the upload is successful or not.
IMPORTANT: If the upload is successful, you should confirm you have uploaded the file(s) (and note the file name(s)) in the "Forum thread URL" forum thread. Note that the file(s) you upload will ONLY be accessible to Bentley colleagues -- they will NOT appear in the Communities forum thread.
3. Bentley Support analysts can then access the file(s) to continue their investigation.
Additional notes:
1. Files uploaded to this area are set to expire 7 days after they are uploaded.
2. Files that have the same name can be safely uploaded to this area -- the system automatically adds a (#) to the file name when it is the same as a file that was previously uploaded and is still in the folder.