Installation/Upgradation Steps of OpenPlant Isometrics Manager for AutoPLANT

Applies To
Product(s):OpenPlant Isometrics Manager
Version(s):08.11.09.XXX(SS5) | 08.11.11.XXX (SS6)
Environment:Windows 7/8.1/10 (64 bit)
Area:OpenPlant Isometrics Manager for AutoPLANT
Original Author:Abhijit Bute, Bentley Product Advantage Group

Case 1: To install a new version of OpenPlant Isometrics Manager.


During OpenPlant Isometrics Manager installation procedure user need to select the correct options. Following are the steps of installation for AutoPLANT Modeler - OpenPlant Isometrics Manager. 

Steps to Accomplish

After installation of AutoPLANT Modeler, Run OpenPlant Isometrics Manager exe. See step by step procedure 


Note - Check OFF OpenPlant ModelServer Mode option when installing it for AutoPLANT Modeler side. 


Click on Finish and OpenPlant Isometrics Manager is ready to use along with AutoPLANT Modeler. 

Case 2: To upgrade an existing version of OpenPlant Isometrics Manager


When a version of OpenPlant Isometrics Manager exists on the user machine and he wants to upgrade it to the latest version then he needs to follow the below mentioned steps.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. From the Control Panel open Programs and Features.

  2. Confirm the version of OpenPlant Isometrics Manager.

  3. Select the OpenPlant Isometrics Manager and click on Uninstall.

  4. Now to install the latest version of OpenPlant Isometrics Manager follow the steps mentioned above.

See Also

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