How To Create PDF using Dynamic Views with Bookmark.

Applies To 
Product(s):OpenPlant Modeler V8i Series

OpenPlant Modeler SS6

Environment: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit)
Area: Customization
Subarea: N.A
Original Author:Harshavardhan K,Bentley Product Advantage Group


In OpenPlant Modeler Sometimes user needs to create a PDF with different views. Here in this exercise we shall create a PDF which contains different views of the same model.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Create a Sample Model as desired. Here we used the model as below.

  2. Now click on Clip Volume option from the windows, then click on Apply or Modify Clip Volume.

  3. From the Dialog box select the options highlighted and then click on the Model created to Select a View as we can see in message center.

  4. Once the view (Top Plane) is selected, we get the below shown model with handlers to move the clipping.

  5. Select the Green handler to move the clip plane and drag the handler to upside and see the view as below.

  6. Now select the magenta line and right click on it to get the menu as shown and click on Create Drawing and in Create Drawing menu Give a Desired Name as View 1 as example for this exercise and Click OK.

    NOTE: Keep the settings as below image .

  7. Click on Files > then click on File Explorer which opens the window and dock on the right-hand side to see details.

  8. In Project Explorer, select the Active Directory, select the current file which is t.dgn and expand to see the view created (VIEW 1).

  9. Now go back to the model by clicking on the Arrow at the lower left corner.

  10. In the model repeat Step 2 i.e. Apply or Modify Clip volume and this change the view Front Plane and name it as View 2 and Hit OK.

  11. Restart Project Explorer to see the view 2 in Active Directory again.

    Note: You can also see the view in the File Tab with Saved views.

  12. Now to create View 3 we shall create a view out of view 2, by going to drawing composition tab at the left and then select Section Callout option. Select the section by dragging down to from the view
    ( read message center).

  13. Now we shall create a Pdf which has all these three views contained in it and we will create a bookmark in pdf. Ensure design file has all the three views

  14. Click on file and select the Print organizer, In Print Organizer, click on Add folder to Set and name the folder (Folder name: To Print All the views).

  15. Select the new folder created and click on Add files to setà click on Add à select the dgn files in which our views have been saved i.e. here t.dgn and hit OK.

  16. After hitting Ok, all the views will take the name of dgn, however here we can rename according to what we want.

  17. Right click on created folder to Print or to view the Print Preview or click on print icon to print the Pdf.Change the name from untitled to Bookmark and hit Ok to print.

  18. Verify the results in created PDF.

See Also

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