Setting the License Feature Level in the Feature Level Selector

Product(s): WaterCAD, WaterGEMS, HAMMER, SewerGEMS, SewerCAD, StormCAD, CivilStorm, PondPack
Version(s): 10.02.XX.XX and greater
Area: Licensing



The Bentley products above are licensed by feature levels, for example number of pipes, ponds, inlets, and whether or not AutoCAD integration is possible. See more about feature levels here: How do OpenFlows product licenses work with element limits? (feature levels)

The Feature Level Selector is a tool on the client computer that is used to guide you through the process of selecting the license feature level that is used when the product is opened. This tool is only available for versions that use Bentley's Subscription Entitlement Service (formerly known as CONNECT Licensing), starting with 10.02.XX.XX. 

If your organization has a SELECT OpenAccess or Cloud Service Subscription, all possible feature levels will be available. For example if you own a perpetual license of WaterCAD 1000 pipes but have a need to work on a 1200 pipe model, a higher feature level (pipe limit) can be used. The Feature Level Selector enables you to select the feature level that the product will use (and record license usage against) when using the product. You can choose between perpetual license feature levels that you own, or subscription-based feature levels that will incur a term license usage charge.


Starting July 1st, 2024, OpenFlows product licenses have been consolidated, for simplification. Please see the following link for more information:

OpenFlows Product Licensing and Feature Levels (New for 2024)

As noted in the above article, the installation files include a suite of applications. For example, OpenFlows Water includes WaterGEMS, WaterCAD, and HAMMER; OpenFlows Sewer includes SewerGEMS and SewerCAD; OpenFlows Storm includes StormCAD and CivilStorm; and OpenFlows Hydraulic Toolset includes FlowMaster and CulvertMaster. How the applications are installed will depend on what you are licensed to use. The section called "OpenFlows and higher Product Installation" in the link above has details on this workflow.

This will not have a significant impact on the license activation through the Feature Level Selector. You will still select the feature level that you own in the Feature Level Selector to activate the license. The chart in the article above, and in the FAQs linked to from the bottom of the next article, explain which feature levels are granted for each tier of the new products.

Note: If you created an entitlement group as a way to limit usage for some feature levels (such as deny access to all un-owned products), you will need to adjust these entitlement groups to use the new packaged OpenFlows product names (OpenFlows Water, OpenFlows Storm, OpenFlows Sewer, or OpenFlows Hydraulic Toolset). You will also need to adjust concurrent use alerts, making note that multiple previous feature levels and products may roll up to a single new OpenFlows product (see the mapping charts in the FAQ articles at the bottom of the following article).

Additional information can also be found here: Simplification of Bentley's Water Software Licenses


Using the Feature Level Selector

To access the Feature Level Selector, please perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Windows Start menu, and do a search for Bentley Licensing Tool.
  2. In the window that appears, choose "Select Feature Level" from the Tools menu.

If you own only a single feature level for the product you are opening, it will be selected for you automatically and you will not need to use the Feature Level Selector. For example you may have all possible WaterCAD feature levels available to you through an OpenAccess subscription, but if you only own a license of OpenFlows Water Advanced, the corresponding feature level will be selected for you when you open WaterCAD. If you need to choose a different feature level, see "Changing the Feature Level" below.

If you own multiple feature levels of the product (for example from OpenFlows Water Standard and OpenFlows Water Advanced), or if you do not own any, but have feature levels available to you from your subscription (ex: SELECT OpenAccess, ELS, E365 or a Practitioner license), the Feature Level Selector will appear when first opening the product: Click the "Select" button next to the feature level that you would like to use, then click the Done button to open the product. 

Highlights of the Feature Level Selector


A - The user account currently using the product. When the feature level is set, it will be set for this user account. For help, see: Bentley user registration - Connected User setup

B - This dropdown menu enables you to filter the type of feature levels displayed in the table. By default, it will show Perpetual licenses, to help guide you toward selecting your owned, perpetual license, while still enabling you to select a higher, subscription-based feature level if you need to (and accept that you will receive a term license).

C - Perpetual (owned) licenses are shown in bold font.

D - You can sort and filter the list of license feature levels if needed. When opening the Feature Level Selector from within the License Tool, a Product column will also be displayed, with a sort/filter available.

E - The "Licenses" column indicates the number of perpetual licenses owned of a respective feature level.

F - Click the "Select" button to select a feature level that you want to use. When selected, the button will display as blue with "Selected".

G - Once you have selected a feature level, the "Done" button becomes available, as the final step of the process. When clicked, the Feature Level Selector will close and the product will attempt to open with that feature level. The next step is to check for General Access and Concurrent use Thresholds (see below)

H - The "contact us" button directs you to the form to request more licenses (for example if you need to purchase a license or subscription to gain access to a higher feature level. The "Help" button links to the following article for general help: Licensing OpenFlows products - Subscription Entitlement Service (CONNECT Licensing)

License Availability Check (General Access and Concurrent Use Threshold Alerts)

When choosing to "Select" a feature level in the Feature Level Selector ('F' above), you may be prompted if you would like to check if the feature level is available. Choose "Yes" to check if your license administrator has restricted your permissions ("General Access" settings), or if a threshold was set (concurrent use threshold alerts) and all licenses are currently in use (these are configured in Entitlement Management.) This check should only take a few additional seconds, and gives you the opportunity to select another feature level if needed (since the Feature Level Selector will still be open.) Otherwise if the license is not available, you would need to re-open the Feature Level Selector (see "Changing the Feature Level" below) in order to choose another feature level.

Note: this prompt will not appear if you have accessed the Feature Level Selector from within the Bentley Licensing Tool (separate tool/shortcut)

An "Access Denied" message box indicates that your administrator has restricted your access to this particular feature level (but not necessarily other feature levels for the product you are trying to use). Dismiss this message box to return to the Feature Level Selector, to select another feature level for that product, if available. Contact your license Administrator (typically in your IT or Helpdesk) if you believe that you should have access. 

A "License Information" message box that indicates that your license administrator has set a threshold on the number of concurrent usages of that particular feature level, and all licenses are currently in use by other users. This often means that if you continue and open the product, your organization will incur usage charges. This may be acceptable during times when multiple users need to be working in the software, in which case you can click the "acknowledge" button. This records the event and may alert the license administrator to your choice. When this appears during the availability check in the Feature Level Selector (see above), "acknowledge" results in the feature level being selected, after which you can click "Done" and open the product. You may encounter a second instance of this dialog box when doing so.



Selecting Subscription-based (Non-Owned) Feature Levels

If you select a subscription-based feature level (one you do not own a perpetual license of), you will be presented with the following warning about usage charge implications. This is an extra measure to ensure that the end user understands the implications of selecting such a feature level.

There may be cases where you want to take advantage of the benefits of your subscription and accept that you may receive a term license charge (for SELECT OpenAccess) for the use of the feature level you need.

If you click OK, the feature level will be selected and you can click "Done" to complete the feature level selection process and start the application.

If you click Cancel, the feature level will NOT be selected and you must select another feature level before the "Done" button becomes available.

"You have selected a feature level that your organization has access to but does not currently own any licenses for. Please contact your Site Administrator for more information on billing implications."

Note: that for users with an Enterprise License Subscription (ELS / E365) or a Practitioner license all feature levels will be available by default and all may show as being subscription-based, with the above message appearing when you select one. This is expected in a case where your organization only has licenses through their ELS subscription, with no perpetual licenses owned (billing is based on yearly usage.) The message is hidden for ELS users starting with CONNECTION Client version , included in version 10.02.03.XX of the OpenFlows products. Note that Practitioner licenses are also considered "owned" licenses for the sake of feature level selection, which is why you will see this message.

It is recommended that Administrators implement General Access settings (these are configured in Entitlement Management) to enable only the feature levels that end users should be using. For end users, please contact your administrator to confirm which feature level you should select. 

Changing the Feature Level

If you own more than one distinct feature level of the product, or if you have a subscription that enables you to access other, non-owned feature levels (for example from a SELECT OpenAccess subscription), you can return to the Feature Level Selector tool to change the feature level that the product will use (and record license usage against). 

You may have a need to change the feature level if you are encountering a message on opening the product that states that your access is denied, or that a concurrent use threshold was reached (the feature level selector will not automatically open). Or, you may need to work on a model that has more elements (pipes, inlets, ponds, etc) than your current feature level allows.

The feature level can be changed from the Feature Level Selector, which you can access from the Start menu - type "Feature Level Selector" and click the shortcut that appears. You can also access the Feature Level Selector from within the product under File > Help > License Management > Tools > Select Feature Level (be sure to restart the application after making any changes to the feature level)

Note: there is a known issue in version of the CONNECTION Client that prevents selection of a feature level. Please upgrade to version or greater.

Determining Currently Set Feature Levels

Normally to see what your feature level is set to, you can open the File > Help > About in the product or open the Feature Level Selector, or view the usage log information (see link below for "monitoring...")

However if you have a need to check what the feature level is from some type of monitoring system, without opening the product or the feature level selector itself, you can do so by looking at the license database file where the feature level setting is stored. 

  1. Install a SQLITE browsing application such as SQLITE Expert Personal
  2. On the Windows user profile in question, navigate to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Bentley\Licensing\
  3. Locate the file named LicenseService.db and open it in your SQLITE viewing application.
  4. Open the table named "Settings" - this will show one row for each product that has a feature level set, with the corresponding feature string. Note that modifying this table is not supported by Bentley.

The four-digit number at the end of the "Key" field determines the product, as shown in the table below.



What are the standard feature levels?

Starting July 1st, 2024, the license features have been simplified. See the following table for the license features for the different suite of applications.

The following are the possible feature levels currently available for OpenFlows products prior to this consolidation. If you have an ELS or SELECT OpenAccess subscription, you may see all of these possible feature levels (check with your Site Administrator if you are unsure which one to select)

Can the Feature Level be set remotely or by command line, by an Administrator?

Starting with version (and greater) of the CONNECTION Client, the ability to set the feature level via a command line argument is available. This can be used by administrators to incorporate into their installation script. These commands can be run using the Command line or in a Batch file for example. 

See more details here: Setting the Feature Level via command line for one or more Windows accounts


For help with problems with the Feature Level Selector, see the "troubleshooting "section at the bottom of the first article in the "See also" section below. Below is a brief list of some problems specific to the Feature Level Selector interface:

  1. Feature Level Selector does not appear - this is normal if you only have one owned feature level - confirm the "Size" in-product under File > Help > About
  2. Expected Feature levels do not display, or some display twice - this may be a refresh/visual issue. Try re-opening the Feature Level Selector
  3. The "Features" column in the Feature Level Selector is missing the word "Standalone" and is showing a comma instead - this is a known issue - Standalone is always included.
  4. "Selected" button not highlighting in blue to indicate a feature level is selected - this is a known issue in version of the CONNECTION Client. Please upgrade to version or greater.
  5. Splash Screen opens but then closes - Check to see that there is no type of "License-Limiting" software (like SofTrack) running on the machine.  Remove or adjust its settings to allow the new Feature Level to run.

See Also

Licensing OpenFlows products - Subscription Entitlement Service (CONNECT Licensing)

Monitoring License Usage - Subscription Entitlement Service (CONNECT Licensing)