How do I change from gINT Professional to gINT Logs or gINT Professional Plus? The Fences and Graph

 Applies To 
 Product(s):gINT Logs, gINT Professional, gINT Professional Plus
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Licensing - Technical
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Authors:Kathleen Holcomb,  Bentley Technical Support Group and Katie Aguilar, Product Specialist


How do I switch to gINT Logs, gINT Professional or gINT Professional Plus?

The product to be licensed is determined during the installation, which defaults to gINT Professional.  There is no shortcut to start Logs vs. Professional vs. Professional Plus. To change from one product to another go to Help and select the desired product.

gINT will close.  On reopening, it will launch as the desired product.

When I go to Output, I no longer see the option for Fences, Graphs, Graphic Text Docs, etc.  How do I get these report options back?  Output looks like this:

When gINT Logs is the selected product only the Logs option will show under the Output tab.  You need to select either gINT Professional or gINT Professional Plus, depending on which type of license you purchased.  Follow the steps above to select the correct product.  On reopening gINT, you will see all the report options under Output: