Welcome to the world of MicroStation Python! In this wiki, we'll explore how to search a Curve element by its unique identifier, Element ID and apply stroke and offset functions to it.
To get started, refer to the Python Manager wiki for instructions on creating and loading a new Python project. Name your project "CurveOffset.py" and save it in a convenient location. Once created, open the project in your preferred code editor to begin writing your Python script.
Here is the complete script.
from MSPyBentley import * from MSPyBentleyGeom import * from MSPyECObjects import * from MSPyDgnPlatform import * from MSPyDgnView import * from MSPyMstnPlatform import * # Offset Curve function def CurveStrokeOffset(eId, offset_val): global ACTIVEMODEL global dgn_model global dgn_file global uor eeh = EditElementHandle(eId, dgn_model) if (eeh == None): print ("Not a valid element...") return False #eleType = eeh.GetElementType() curve = ICurvePathQuery.ElementToCurveVector(eeh) points = DPoint3dArray() options = IFacetOptions.CreateForCurves() elm_count = 0 it = iter(curve) for primitive in it: elm_count += 1 if (ICurvePrimitive.eCURVE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_Invalid != primitive.GetCurvePrimitiveType()): primitive.AddStrokes(points, options) curve_elm = CurveVector.CreateLinear(points, CurveVector.eBOUNDARY_TYPE_Open) offset_distance = offset_val * uor offset = CurveOffsetOptions(offset_distance) curve_elm = curve_elm.CloneOffsetCurvesXY(offset) line_eeh1 = EditElementHandle() if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != DraftingElementSchema.ToElement(line_eeh1, curve_elm, None, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL): return False # Set Element Properties color = 1 lineWeight = 3 propertiesSetter = ElementPropertiesSetter() propertiesSetter.SetColor(color) propertiesSetter.SetWeight(lineWeight) propertiesSetter.Apply(line_eeh1) # Add the line element to model if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != line_eeh1.AddToModel(): return False return True # Main function def main(): global ACTIVEMODEL global dgn_model global dgn_file global uor # Globals ACTIVEMODEL = ISessionMgr.ActiveDgnModelRef dgn_model = ACTIVEMODEL.GetDgnModel() dgn_file = dgn_model.GetDgnFile() model_info = dgn_model.GetModelInfo() uor = model_info.GetUorPerStorage() elementId = 1103 if True != CurveStrokeOffset(elementId, -0.5): print("Curve Offset failed...") if True != CurveStrokeOffset(elementId, 0.5): print("Curve Offset failed...") # main if __name__ == "__main__": print ("***** Curve Offset *****") main()
Load the project "CurveOffset.py" from the Python Manager dialog and Run/Execute the python script.
Curve element is located by ID and then stroke, offset operations are applied.
Run the script using the attached DGN file to verify its functionality.
Happy coding!
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