Welcome to the world of MicroStation Python! This wiki provides a Python code snippet that demonstrates how to create and place a Note element.
Let us dive into, creating and placing a Note element. Refer to the Python Manager wiki to create and load a python project. Name your project as "NoteElement.py" and save it to your preferred directory. Open the project in the editor for writing your Python script.
Here is the complete script.
from MSPyBentley import * from MSPyBentleyGeom import * from MSPyECObjects import * from MSPyDgnPlatform import * from MSPyDgnView import * from MSPyMstnPlatform import * noteStyleName = "NoteStyle" # GetText function def GetText(text, File, model): textStyle = DgnTextStyle.GetByName(noteStyleName, File) if (None == textStyle): print (f"Text Style: <{noteStyleName}> not found") return None textBlock = TextBlock(textStyle, model) textBlock.AppendText(text) return textBlock # CreateNote function def CreateNote(leader, noteElem, File, model): text = GetText("Note Test\nLine 2\nLine 3", File, model) if (None == text): print (f"Text Block creation failed...") return None dimStyle = DimensionStyle.GetByName(noteStyleName, File) if (None == dimStyle): print (f"Dimension Style: <{noteStyleName}> not found") return None points= DPoint3dArray() points.append(DPoint3d(10000, 0, 0)) points.append(DPoint3d(150000, 50000, 0)) return NoteCellHeaderHandler.CreateNote(noteElem, leader, text, dimStyle, model.Is3d(), model, points) # CreateNoteElement function def CreateNoteElement(): dgn_model = ISessionMgr.ActiveDgnModel dgn_file = ISessionMgr.GetActiveDgnFile() noteElem = EditElementHandle() leader = EditElementHandle() status = CreateNote(leader, noteElem, dgn_file, dgn_model) if (BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status): print("Note element creation failed...") return if (BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != NoteCellHeaderHandler.AddToModel(noteElem, leader, dgn_model)): print("Note element not added to model...") return dgn_file.ProcessChanges(DgnSaveReason.eFileClose) # main function def main(): CreateNoteElement() # main if __name__ == "__main__": print ("***** Place Note *****") main()
Load the project "NoteElement.py" from the Python Manager dialog and Run/Execute the python script.
Note element is created and placed into the DGN file.
This script offers a simple and efficient method for creating a Note element. Customize the script to suit your requirements and integrate into your workflows.
Happy coding!
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