"Connection with the licensing server has been lost..." error message


The following was displayed :


CONNECT Licensing Warning Connection with the Licensing Server has been lost Continued use of this product may cause product usage in excess of the limits set by pur administrator It is recommended that you save the model and restart the program to obtain a new license OK


"Connection with the Licensing Server has been lost.

Continued use of this product may cause usage in excess of the limits set by your administrator.

It is recommended that save the model and restart the program to obtain a new license."



Applications connect regularly to Connection Client to report real-time usage of an entitlement. If the workstation has lost connection with our cloud services for 3 consecutive minutes (3 pings), the application is considered closed by the usage alerting service. Continued use of the application without it's usage being reported to the usage alerting service may result in term license usage.

The message informs the user that the internet connection between the host computer and Bentley has been lost AND you have opted to restrict offline usage (typically to allow License Alerting to function correctly).

To prevent data/analysis loss the application will not be shut down. It is recommended that you complete any current actions, save the model if desired, and then exit the program as soon as safely possible.



The sole solution to this issue is to rectify any communication obstacles (application settings, physical equipment, cable connections, etc..) preventing communication between the host computer and Bentley Servers. Connectivity could be lost due to various reasons such as computer malfunction, power outage, IT operations, updated security settings, issues with Bentley Servers, a mouse chewed through cables, etc.. 


Possible solutions: 

  1. Check Bentley Cloud Services Status to see if there is any outage on Bentley's end that might explain a possible disconnect.
  2. Vet your internet connectivity. There are numerous free applications and browser extensions to monitor your systems internet connectivity and report any outages.
  3. Make sure you have the newest CONNECTION Client version installed: CONNECTION Client | Bentley Systems
  4. Try refreshing and resetting the policy file by referring to wiki link: Bentley Licensing Tool
  5.  Restart the license service:


Optionally, you can enable offline usage of the entitlement via the settings under License Alerting. When the machine policy is updated, it will allow offline usage - Note this will break license alerting functionality.