Install MicroStation Python


MicroStation 2024 is designed to be installed alongside existing versions such as MicroStation 2023, MicroStation CONNECT Edition, or MicroStation V8i without any conflicts. For more details, refer to the Quick Install Guide in the Readme documentation.


Installing Python

MicroStation 2024 now includes integrated support for Python, which is installed by default. Follow these steps to enable or disable Python installation:

  1. In the installer interface, click on the Configure button to display the list of Features.


A blue and white signDescription automatically generated


  1. Under Application Options, Python is enabled by default. If you choose not to install Python, click the toggle button to turn it off, and the installer will skip the Python installation.


A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


Python Folder Locations

Locating where Python is installed on your machine is crucial for configuring tools and managing libraries and environments.


The main Python root folder is located at:


Under the root folder, there are two directories: Examples and python.


Python examples are delivered under the following directory:



The Python installation specific to MicroStation is delivered under:


The MS_PYTHON configuration variable points to this installation directory.


The, .PYI IntelliSense files required by VS Code editor are delivered under:



For additional information, refer to the MicroStation Python: FAQs.


Other Language Sources
