MicroStation Python: Create 3D Elements


Welcome to the world of MicroStation Python! In our earlier wiki, we explored how to create basic geometric elements. In this wiki, we will delve into creating 3D geometric elements in MicroStation using Python.


Create 3D Elements in MicroStation using Python

Let us dive into creating 3D geometric elements such as Solid, Surface, Slab, and Cone using Python. Refer to the Python Manager wiki to create and load a python project. Name your project as "Create3DElements.py" and save it to your preferred directory. Open the project in the editor for writing your Python script.


Import Modules

The script begins by importing several modules offering functions and classes to interact with MicroStation and to create geometric elements.


from MSPyBentley import *
from MSPyBentleyGeom import *
from MSPyECObjects import *
from MSPyDgnPlatform import *
from MSPyDgnView import *
from MSPyMstnPlatform import *


Create a Solid Element

The CreateASolidElement() function takes a base point as input, which defines the initial location of the Solid element. Let us walk through the steps to create a Solid element. The script includes error checking to ensure the Solid element is successfully created and added to the model.

  1. Create a closed shape element using an Arc and a Line String element.
  2. Add the closed shape to a Chain element using the ChainHeaderHandler.CreateChainHeaderElement() function.
  3. Convert the Chain element to a solid body using the SolidUtil.Convert.ElementToBody() function.
  4. Thicken the Solid element using the SolidUtil.Modify.ThickenSheet() function.
  5. Convert the solid body to a solid element using the SolidUtil.Convert.BodyToElement() function.
  6. Apply a Color property (symbology) to the Solid element and add it to the model using the AddToModel() function.


def CreateASolidElement (basePt):
    global ACTIVEMODEL
    global dgnModel
    global g_1mu

    a_eeh = EditElementHandle()
    l_eeh = EditElementHandle()
    cs_eeh = EditElementHandle()

    # Create Arc Element
    pt1 = DPoint3d()
    pt2 = DPoint3d()
    pt3 = DPoint3d()

    pt1.x = basePt.x
    pt1.y = basePt.y
    pt1.z = 0.0
    pt2.x = g_1mu*1.3
    pt2.y = + g_1mu*0.7
    pt2.z = 0.0
    pt3.x = basePt.x + g_1mu
    pt3.y = basePt.y + g_1mu
    pt3.z = basePt.z

    el3d = DEllipse3d.FromPointsOnArc(pt3, pt2, pt1)
    status = ArcHandler.CreateArcElement(a_eeh, None, el3d, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL)
    if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status:
        return False

# Create LineString Element pt2.x = pt1.x + g_1mu pt2.y = pt1.y points = DPoint3dArray() points.append(pt1) points.append(pt2) points.append(pt3) status = LineStringHandler.CreateLineStringElement(l_eeh, None, points, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status: return False
# Create Complex Shape Header Element
ChainHeaderHandler.CreateChainHeaderElement(cs_eeh, None, True, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL)
ChainHeaderHandler.AddComponentElement (cs_eeh, a_eeh)
ChainHeaderHandler.AddComponentElement (cs_eeh, l_eeh)

# Create Solid Element solid_eeh = SolidUtil.Convert.ElementToBody(cs_eeh, True, True, False) frontDistance = g_1mu * 1 ret = SolidUtil.Modify.ThickenSheet(solid_eeh[1], frontDistance, 0) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS == ret: newElement = EditElementHandle() ret1 = SolidUtil.Convert.BodyToElement(newElement,solid_eeh[1],cs_eeh,dgnModel) if(BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS == ret1): # Set Symbology color = 6 propertiesSetter = ElementPropertiesSetter() propertiesSetter.SetColor(color) propertiesSetter.Apply(newElement) newElement.AddToModel() return True return False



Create a Surface Element

The CreateASurfaceElement() function takes a base point as input, which defines the initial location of the Surface element. Let us walk through the steps to create a Surface element. The script includes error checking to ensure the Surface element is successfully created and added to the model.

  1. Set up the coordinates for the Line String element using the base point and additional points.
  2. Store the Line String coordinates to a DPoint3d array.
  3. Create the Line String element using the LineStringHandler.CreateLineStringElement() function.
  4. Set up the extrude point and vector for extrusion using DVec3d() function.
  5. Create the Surface element using the SurfaceHandler.CreateProjectionElement() function.
  6. Apply a Color property (symbology) to the Surface element and add it to the model using the AddToModel() function.


def createASurfaceElement (basePoint):
    p_eeh = EditElementHandle() 
    s_eeh = EditElementHandle()
    # Define Line String coordinates
    pt0 = basePoint
    pt1 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0)
    pt2 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0)
    pt3 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0)
    pt4 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0)
    pt5 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0)

    # Coordinates of Line String element
    pt1.x = pt0.x; pt1.y = pt0.y - g_1mu/2; pt1.z = pt0.z;
    pt2.x = pt1.x + g_1mu/2; pt2.y = pt1.y; pt2.z = pt0.z;
    pt3.x = pt2.x; pt3.y = pt2.y - g_1mu/2; pt3.z = pt0.z;
    pt4.x = pt3.x + g_1mu/2; pt4.y = pt3.y; pt4.z = pt0.z;
    pt5.x = pt4.x; pt5.y = pt0.y; pt5.z = pt0.z;

    # Add coordinates to DPoint3d array
    linePts = DPoint3dArray()

    # Create Line String element
    status = LineStringHandler.CreateLineStringElement(p_eeh, None, linePts,
    if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status:
        return False

    # Define extrude point and vector
    pt11 = pt0
    pt12 = DVec3d(0, 0, g_1mu)

    # Create Surface from Line element
    status1 = SurfaceHandler.CreateProjectionElement(s_eeh, None, p_eeh, pt11, pt12, None, False, ACTIVEMODEL)
    if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status1:
        return False

    # Set Symbology
    color = 143
    propertiesSetter = ElementPropertiesSetter()

    # Add the surface element to model
    if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != s_eeh.AddToModel():
        return False
    return True



Create a Slab Element

The createASlabElement() function takes a base point as input, which defines the initial location of the Slab element. Let us walk through the steps to create a Slab element. The script includes error checking to ensure the Slab element is successfully created and added to the model.

  1. Define the coordinates for the shape element using a base point and an offset.
  2. Store the shape coordinates in an DPoint3d array.
  3. Create the Shape element using the  ShapeHandler.CreateShapeElement() function.
  4. Convert the Shape element to a solid body using the SolidUtil.Convert.ElementToBody() function.
  5. Thicken the solid body using the SolidUtil.Modify.ThickenSheet() function.
  6. Convert the solid body to a solid element using the SolidUtil.Convert.BodyToElement() function.
  7. Apply a Color property (symbology) to the Slab element and add it to the model using the AddToModel() function.


def createASlabElement(basePoint):
    global ACTIVEMODEL
    global dgnModel    
    global g_1mu

    shape_eeh = EditElementHandle()

    # Set Shape coordinates
    offset = 1.0 * g_1mu
    points = DPoint3dArray()
    points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x, basePoint.y, 0.0))
    points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x + offset, basePoint.y, 0.0))
    points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x + offset, basePoint.y + offset, 0.0))
    points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x, basePoint.y + offset, 0.0))
    points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x, basePoint.y, 0.0))

    # Create Shape element
    status = ShapeHandler.CreateShapeElement (shape_eeh, None, points, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL)
    if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status:
        return False

    # Create Slab Element
    solid_eeh = SolidUtil.Convert.ElementToBody(shape_eeh, True, True, False)
    frontDistance = 0.1 * g_1mu
    ret = SolidUtil.Modify.ThickenSheet(solid_eeh[1], frontDistance, 0)
    if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS == ret:
        newElement = EditElementHandle()
        ret1 = SolidUtil.Convert.BodyToElement (newElement,solid_eeh[1],shape_eeh, dgnModel)
        if(BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS == ret1):
            # Set Symbology
            color = 8
            propertiesSetter = ElementPropertiesSetter()
            return True

    return False



Create a Cone Element

The CreateAConeElement() function takes a base point as input, which defines the initial location of the Cone element. Let us walk through the steps to create a Cone element. The script includes error checking to ensure the Cone element is successfully created and added to the model.

  1. Set up the coordinates for the top and base point of the cone element.
  2. Create the Cone element using the ConeHandler.CreateConeElement() function.
  3. Apply a Color property (symbology) to the Cone element and add it to the model using the AddToModel() function.

CreateAConeElement (basePoint): topPt = DPoint3d(0, 0, 0) topPt.x = basePoint.x topPt.y = basePoint.y topPt.z += 2.3*g_1mu/2 # Get rotation matrix from angle rotMat = RotMatrix.FromAxisAndRotationAngle(0, 0.0) # Handle to Cone element c_eeh = EditElementHandle() # Create Cone element status = ConeHandler.CreateConeElement(c_eeh, None, 0.25*g_1mu/2, 0.8*g_1mu/2, topPt, basePoint, rotMat, True, ACTIVEMODEL) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status: return False # Set Symbology color = 3 propertiesSetter = ElementPropertiesSetter() propertiesSetter.SetColor(color) propertiesSetter.Apply(c_eeh) # Add Cone element to model if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != c_eeh.AddToModel(): return False return True



Putting it all Together: The main Function

The main function initializes the active model and calls the functions to create the 3D geometric elements.


Here is the complete script.


from MSPyBentley import *
from MSPyBentleyGeom import *
from MSPyECObjects import *
from MSPyDgnPlatform import *
from MSPyDgnView import *
from MSPyMstnPlatform import *

# Create Solid Element
def CreateASolidElement (basePt):
    global ACTIVEMODEL
    global dgnModel
    global g_1mu

    a_eeh = EditElementHandle()
    l_eeh = EditElementHandle()
    cs_eeh = EditElementHandle()

    # Create Arc Element
    pt1 = DPoint3d()
    pt2 = DPoint3d()
    pt3 = DPoint3d()

    pt1.x = basePt.x
    pt1.y = basePt.y
    pt1.z = 0.0
    pt2.x = g_1mu*1.3
    pt2.y = + g_1mu*0.7
    pt2.z = 0.0
    pt3.x = basePt.x + g_1mu
    pt3.y = basePt.y + g_1mu
    pt3.z = basePt.z

    el3d = DEllipse3d.FromPointsOnArc(pt3, pt2, pt1)
    status = ArcHandler.CreateArcElement(a_eeh, None, el3d, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL)
    if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status:
        return False

# Create LineString Element pt2.x = pt1.x + g_1mu pt2.y = pt1.y points = DPoint3dArray() points.append(pt1) points.append(pt2) points.append(pt3) status = LineStringHandler.CreateLineStringElement(l_eeh, None, points, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status: return False

# Create Complex Shape Header Element
ChainHeaderHandler.CreateChainHeaderElement(cs_eeh, None, True, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL)
ChainHeaderHandler.AddComponentElement (cs_eeh, a_eeh)
ChainHeaderHandler.AddComponentElement (cs_eeh, l_eeh)

  # Create Solid Element solid_eeh = SolidUtil.Convert.ElementToBody(cs_eeh, True, True, False) frontDistance = g_1mu * 1 ret = SolidUtil.Modify.ThickenSheet(solid_eeh[1], frontDistance, 0) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS == ret: newElement = EditElementHandle() ret1 = SolidUtil.Convert.BodyToElement(newElement,solid_eeh[1],cs_eeh,dgnModel) if(BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS == ret1): # Set Symbology color = 6 propertiesSetter = ElementPropertiesSetter() propertiesSetter.SetColor(color) propertiesSetter.Apply(newElement) newElement.AddToModel() return True return False # Create Surface Element def createASurfaceElement (basePoint): p_eeh = EditElementHandle() s_eeh = EditElementHandle() # Define Line String coordinates pt0 = basePoint pt1 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0) pt2 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0) pt3 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0) pt4 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0) pt5 = DPoint3d (0, 0, 0) # Coordinates of Line String element pt1.x = pt0.x; pt1.y = pt0.y - g_1mu/2; pt1.z = pt0.z; pt2.x = pt1.x + g_1mu/2; pt2.y = pt1.y; pt2.z = pt0.z; pt3.x = pt2.x; pt3.y = pt2.y - g_1mu/2; pt3.z = pt0.z; pt4.x = pt3.x + g_1mu/2; pt4.y = pt3.y; pt4.z = pt0.z; pt5.x = pt4.x; pt5.y = pt0.y; pt5.z = pt0.z; # Add coordinates to DPoint3d array linePts = DPoint3dArray() linePts.append(pt0) linePts.append(pt1) linePts.append(pt2) linePts.append(pt3) linePts.append(pt4) linePts.append(pt5) linePts.append(pt0) # Create Line String element status = LineStringHandler.CreateLineStringElement(p_eeh, None, linePts, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status: return False # Define extrude point and vector pt11 = pt0 pt12 = DVec3d(0, 0, g_1mu) # Create Surface from Line element status1 = SurfaceHandler.CreateProjectionElement(s_eeh, None, p_eeh, pt11, pt12, None, False, ACTIVEMODEL) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status1: return False # Set Symbology color = 143 propertiesSetter = ElementPropertiesSetter() propertiesSetter.SetColor(color) propertiesSetter.Apply(s_eeh) # Add the surface element to model if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != s_eeh.AddToModel(): return False return True # Create Slab Element def createASlabElement(basePoint): global ACTIVEMODEL global dgnModel global g_1mu shape_eeh = EditElementHandle() # Set Shape coordinates offset = 1.0 * g_1mu points = DPoint3dArray() points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x, basePoint.y, 0.0)) points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x + offset, basePoint.y, 0.0)) points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x + offset, basePoint.y + offset, 0.0)) points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x, basePoint.y + offset, 0.0)) points.append (DPoint3d (basePoint.x, basePoint.y, 0.0)) # Create Shape element status = ShapeHandler.CreateShapeElement (shape_eeh, None, points, ACTIVEMODEL.Is3d(), ACTIVEMODEL) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status: return False # Create Slab Element solid_eeh = SolidUtil.Convert.ElementToBody(shape_eeh, True, True, False) frontDistance = 0.1 * g_1mu ret = SolidUtil.Modify.ThickenSheet(solid_eeh[1], frontDistance, 0) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS == ret: newElement = EditElementHandle() ret1 = SolidUtil.Convert.BodyToElement (newElement,solid_eeh[1],shape_eeh, dgnModel) if(BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS == ret1): # Set Symbology color = 8 propertiesSetter = ElementPropertiesSetter() propertiesSetter.SetColor(color) propertiesSetter.Apply(newElement) newElement.AddToModel() return True return False # Create Cone Element def CreateAConeElement (basePoint): topPt = DPoint3d(0, 0, 0) topPt.x = basePoint.x topPt.y = basePoint.y topPt.z += 2.3*g_1mu/2 # Get rotation matrix from angle rotMat = RotMatrix.FromAxisAndRotationAngle(0, 0.0) # Handle to Cone element c_eeh = EditElementHandle() # Create Cone element status = ConeHandler.CreateConeElement(c_eeh, None, 0.25*g_1mu/2, 0.8*g_1mu/2, topPt, basePoint, rotMat, True, ACTIVEMODEL) if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != status: return False # Set Symbology color = 3 propertiesSetter = ElementPropertiesSetter() propertiesSetter.SetColor(color) propertiesSetter.Apply(c_eeh) # Add Cone element to model if BentleyStatus.eSUCCESS != c_eeh.AddToModel(): return False return True # Main function def main(): print ("3D Elements...") global g_1mu global ACTIVEMODEL global dgnModel ACTIVEMODEL = ISessionMgr.ActiveDgnModelRef dgnModel = ACTIVEMODEL.GetDgnModel() modelInfo = dgnModel.GetModelInfo() g_1mu = modelInfo.GetUorPerStorage() # Create a Solid element basePt = DPoint3d.FromZero() if True != CreateASolidElement(DPoint3d(g_1mu, 0, 0)): print("Create Solid Element failed...") # Create a Surface element basePt.x += g_1mu*2.0 basePt.y -= g_1mu*1.0 basePt.z -= g_1mu*0.0 if True != createASurfaceElement (basePt): print("Create Surface Element failed...") # Create a Surface element basePt.x += g_1mu*1.0 basePt.y -= g_1mu*3.0 basePt.z -= g_1mu*0.0 if True != createASlabElement(basePt): print("Create Slab Element failed...") # Create a Surface element basePt.x += g_1mu*0.5 basePt.y += g_1mu*0.5 basePt.z += g_1mu*0.1 if True != CreateAConeElement (basePt): print("Create Cone Element failed...") # main if __name__ == "__main__": main()


Run/Execute project

Select project "Create3DElements.py" from the Python Manager dialog and Run/Execute the python script.

Voila! 3D elements are successfully created and added to your active MicroStation model.


A blue box with black outlineDescription automatically generated


Explore the examples, documentation and challenge yourself to create other 3D geometries.


Happy coding!