MicroStation Python: Learning Resources

MicroStation Python API

MicroStation Python API is a powerful tool that allows developers to extend the functionality of MicroStation and various MicroStation-based applications. It enables seamless integration of high-quality applications with MicroStation and other Bentley products and is the recommended method for accessing Bentley DGN files with full fidelity.

MicroStation and Bentley applications platform APIs can be used to develop a range of applications, from simple utilities to sophisticated commercial solutions, and supports a variety of programming languages including C, C++, C#, Python, and Visual Basic.

You can find more about it in the MicroStation Python API documentation.


Example Scripts

Example Scripts are delivered under the following directory C:\ProgramData\Bentley\PowerplatformPython\Examples\MicroStation\

The quickest way to start using Python in MicroStation is to use the Python Manager dialog on the Utilities tab of either the Drawing or Modelling Ribbon. Load Python from the examples directory and then run it.


Example Wikis, Blogs
To help you get started, we have created a series of Wikis, Blogs that cover everything from installation to advanced scripting. Dive in and explore the new possibilities with MicroStation Python!
Check out these resources: Wikis - Landing Page, Blogs


Recording Macros

Recording a Macro and promoting it to Python is also a quick way to get started with Python in MicroStation. This is outlined in more detail in the Recording Macros Wiki.


The Internet

Internet has a plethora of learning and reference resources for Python. For Example: Programming with Python | Python for Beginners

Python Tutorial | W3schools : is another great learning resource.

Python Examples | Programiz : This site provides basic examples as a learning guide.

Python for Everybody | freeCodeCamp :  A free video course series that teaches the basics of using Python 3.

Remember, the best way to learn is by doing. So, do not hesitate to dive in and start experimenting with Python.

Happy coding!


Other Language Sources
