Produce a Borehole Log

1. Login to OpenGround Data Entry from the Launcher:

2. Open the relevant project:

3. Select the relevant data entry profile from the drop down:

4. Select the highlighted orange row to create a new location:

5. Enter the 'Location ID'.  Press Tab to move into the next column and record the 'Location Type'.  Repeat for each of the columns on screen.

6. With each of the relevant cells on the row populated press Enter to commit the changes on this row.  Then press CTRL + > to move to the next step for the current location.

7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 above for the next step.  Press Insert to create a new row or click the orange bar.  Where a step shows more than one grid move between them by pressing CTRL + Tab.

8. Move through each of the steps and capture the all the relevant data using the techniques described above.  Click 'Quick Log' to review the log:

9: Resize the panels if necessary and use the scroll bars to navigate the Quick Log preview:

10: Click 'Save as PDF' to produce an external file of the log:

Once a few logs have been created many users find it useful to find out about Log Reports.  These allow multiple logs for a project to be produced at the same time and are detailed further in the downloadable document attached to this article.

Note that OpenGround Professional also provides a similar interface for log production.


The next Quick Start is Capture Data in the Field.