The Launcher is a central hub for connecting to each of the OpenGround Cloud connected apps.
The OpenGround Cloud App Launcher can now be downloaded through Bentley’s Software Downloads page here.
Once the Launcher has been downloaded the installation process can begin.
With the Launcher installer downloaded it should be run under a Windows account with Administrator privileges:
The installation of the Launcher requires Windows Administrator privileges as it is packaged with a Launcher Service. This service is essential for the running of the Launcher interface.
The Launcher Service is responsible for the download of each connected application. It is important to note that the download of the apps does not require administration privileges, only the installation of the Launcher itself. As such, in some organisations it my be necessary to contact IT for assistance.
After running the Launcher exe login, review the terms and conditions and 'Accept' to continue:
Pressing Install will run through the installation of the Launcher app and the Launcher Service. It is important to note is that the launcher will install to the C:/ drive of the local machine and this cannot be changed. The same is true of the connected apps.
The Launcher can be run now.
When running the Launcher for the first time you will be prompted to login to the Cloud associated with your user account. Note that a password should have already been defined from the associated link within the welcome email; if this has not been done previously this should be completed now.
Enter your Cloud credentials and press Login. The Launcher will now display a list of all available apps - simply click the Install button associated with the app/s you require. Multiple installs of the apps can be queued by clicking on each of the associated Install buttons in turn.
Please note some applications require an external program (for example the Excel Extension) while others are associated with a specific release of such a program. In both cases the associated program will need to be installed prior to the Install button becoming available in the Launcher. For example, the OpenGround Cloud Launcher below shows that four apps have been installed:
Two of these - the Civil 3D Extension 2019 and the Excel Extension - have been installed as the external program associated with them is installed on the machine. However, note that the Civil 3D Extension 2017 at the bottom of the image cannot be installed as it cannot find a program installed which reflects the environment it needs to run in. Note that the supported versions of AutoCAD Civils may change so this item may not be available for all users.
By way of contrast the Data Entry app needs additional program but has yet to be installed and as such shows the Install button.