DinDim Bemaßungsstil auf normalen Bemaßungsstil zurücksetzen



Dindim-Tool: Wie ändert man bereits platzierte Bemaßungen und bestehende
Bemaßungsstile in einen normalen Bemaßungsstil zurück?


The Dindim functionality is stored as properties within the dimension style. You cannot change a dimension style, that was originally created with the dindim tool, into a normal dimension style by changing any settings in the dimension dialog box.

Two solutions:
1. Change the dimensions into a non-Dindim dimension style
2. You can change the existing dindim style by using the following key-ins and workflow:
- select the dindim style in your file
- run the following keyins:
mdl load calculat
calculator mdlDimStyle_setBoolIntProp (mdlDimStyle_getActive(), 0, 1028)
mdl load calculat calculator mdlDimStyle_setBoolIntProp (mdl
DimStyle_getActive(), 0, 1045) mdl load calculat calculator
mdlDimStyle_setDoubleProp (mdlDimStyle_getActive(), 0.1, 206) mdl load
calculat calculator mdlDimStyle_setFontProp (mdlDimStyle_getActive(),
Arial, 307)
(can be done in a batch command)
- save t he dindim dimension style.

More information on the keyins to change these properties:

// RoundLSD
mdl load calculat; calculator mdlDimStyle_setBoolIntProp
(mdlDimStyle_getActive(), X, 1028) X = 0, false (default) X = 1 true
(DinDim behavior)<(><<)> CR>
// RoundLSD
mdl load calculat; calculator mdlDimStyle_setBoolIntProp
(mdlDimStyle_getActive(), X, 1045) X = 0, false (de fault) X = 1 true
(DinDim behavior)

// Extension Offset
mdl load calculat; calculator mdlDimStyle_setDoubleProp (mdlDim
Style_getActive(), X, 206) X = value in fractions of text height, ex.

// Extension Offset
mdl load calculat; calculator mdlDimStyle_setFontProp
(mdlDimStyle_getActive(), X, 307) X = font number ex. 3 = engineering,
182 = dindim

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 Ursprünglicher Autor:Yvonne Lohse