15. Exporting the pxf file from OpenPlant Modeler and opening it in AutoPIPE loses some supports or

Applies To
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Oct. 2015


AutoPIPE model of imported PXF file had a missing support or contained only a portion of the model exported from AutoPLANT / OpenPlant, why?

Solution #1:

 There is an issue in coordinates of "AT_SUPPORT_DUMMY" which was exported by OpenPLANT.

As per AutoPLANT standard, line 3020 value will be duplicate of line 3000, example below:

After making this minor adjustment, the issue will be resolved.

Solution #2:

Open CADAP.MAP file (see WIKI here for file location), set 'RETAIN FLANGE LENGTH' = 'N'

Save file, and import PXF file.

Note: If you have a model where some or part of the model is not imported, try upgrading your software, AutoPIPE CONNECT has a few enhancements that addresses these issues over previous versions of the application. 

See Also

Troubleshooting - Import AutoPlant / OpenPLANT PXF file

Bentley AutoPIPE