To quickly understand registration process, please watch the following video.
YouTube video |
Visit Bentley Education Portal and click on Login (appears at the extreme right hand upper cornerof the screen)
2. If you have already had an account with Bentley, please proceed with login by providing your e- mail and password.
3. If you are visiting the Portal for the first time, click on Don't have an account? Register now (It is recommended to use your registered University or School Email address. For example:
Note: In case you don’t have a registered University or school domain and are using a generic email address or, Please refer to point #10.
4. Please provide your details on Create Your Account page and hit Create Account.
5. Once the Account is created, go to Bentley Education Portal and login with your
6. Update your Profile under the Dashboard section with the required fields. Please note that you need to be logged in and have an updated profile to access product download.
7. Click on the Software tab until you receive "Software Download Access"popup.
7.Choose the software you want to download
8. The page will redirect you to Terms of Service and Privacy policy.
9. After accepting the Terms of Service and Privacy policy, you will land successfully on the Software downloads page.
10. For users who don’t have University or school email
For example, if you are using a generic email address or, then you will receive the below Pop up message when you click on the Software Section.
Please consider the follwing points, before you upload the School ID (identification details) card.
In case if you face any issues uploading the ID card, please feel free to write us through Contact us by uploading your ID card and we will get it verified for you.
Please refer to the below link for the activation process of the software:
How to activate products under Subscription Entitlement Service
In case of any questions feel free to check the FAQ page by clicking on the following link.
For your future questions please Contact Us via Get Support from Bentley Education Portal
Please note - You need to be logged in and have an updated profile for us to respond to you!