03. SIF values do not match between component listing and Bend data listing reports in AutoPIPE, why

Applies To
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2018


when I look at the component data listing for an elbow the SIF are:

COMPONENT DATA (Bend, TIP= B03, Near= B03 N, Far= B03 F):
Long Elbow, Radius= 3.000 inch, Bend angle= 90.00 deg, End flanges= 1, Flex= Auto, SIFI= 1.47, SIFO= 1.23

However, when I review the Bend Data listing report sub section, the SIF values are:

Why are the SIF values different for the same elbow ?


The calculated SIF is affected by the pressure case setting used in the Load> Static Analysis set. In the above example, see that Pressure Case = P1. If Pressure Case = None the SIF values would match exactly with the value in the Component Data Listing sub-report as indicated below:

See Also

SIF values in Code Compliance report

Bentley AutoPIPE