A useful feature of ProjectWise is version control of files. A version is a read-only snapshot of a document. Maintaining the history of a document as edits are made throughout its life is accomplished using versions. Versions are controlled by giving them a required unique label. There are no limits to the number of versions a document can have in ProjectWise.
To create a version of a File, select it in ProjectWise Explorer and either go to Document>New>Version from the main menu or right click on the document and choose New>Version.
The New Document Version window will open.
Click OK to complete the creation of a new file version.
You will see the new version listed in ProjectWise Explorer along with the previous version set to read-only (See note), evident by the icons. The Version column in the contents panel is also useful for displaying the version labels for any versioned file.
The Version label for the active version of a document can be changed. Go to the document properties in ProjectWise Explorer by selecting the document and pressing the spacebar. In the General tab, you will find the Version field which is editable. Make any desired changes and click Save, then Close
You may find the need to restore an older version of a document back to the active version. To do this, select the active version of the document in ProjectWise Explorer, right click and choose New>Version. In the New Document Version window, click the Edit button which expands the window to display all versions of the selected document.
The restored version will require a unique version label just like creating a new version. Use the Version label field in the New Version area to set the label or a default alpha character will be used if the field is left blank. Select the desired version you wish to restore from the list of versions and click the Change button. A window will display asking you to confirm your choice. Click OK to complete the process. The selected version is then copied as a new version and the previously active version is set to read-only.
You may Copy the active version or any of the previous versions of a document to a new folder within ProjectWise. If you select the active version and drag it to another folder to copy it to that location, you will be asked if you wish to copy all the versions with the selected document. You will receive no prompt if you choose one of the read-only versions to copy in this manner.
The copied document will appear just like any other newly created document with no version label.
If you select a document to copy and use the Copy To option from the right click menu, you will receive no prompt to include the versions and only the selected document will be copied.
If you copy a document into a folder in ProjectWise that already contains a document with the same file name, a conflict resolution window will appear. In the Select an Action window, you are given three choices, one of them being Create a New Version.
If you choose to create a new version, the Create Document Version window appears which provides a field for the new version's label. Leaving the label field blank will set the label to the next available alpha character. Click OK to complete the process.
You may Move the active version of a file that has previous versions of a document to a new folder within ProjectWise. If you select the active version and drag it while holding Shift to another folder, you will be asked if you wish to move all the versions with the selected document. You will receive an error prompt if you choose one of the read-only versions to Move in this manner.
If you select a document to copy and use the Move To option from the right click menu, you will receive the same prompts to include the versions and only the selected document will be moved.
If you move a document into a folder in ProjectWise that already contains a document with the same file name, a conflict resolution window will appear. See Copying Documents with Versions within this document for further instruction on the Select an Action process.
The user may wish to remove older versions of documents from ProjectWise. This can be done in two ways. The simplest way is to select the version of the document in ProjectWise Explorer and then press the Delete key on your keyboard or right click and choose Delete. The second way is to use the New>Version utility as was discussed previously within this document.
First select the active version of the file within ProjectWise Explorer that you wish to remove from the list of read-only versions of the file.
You may need to create a version of a DGN file that contains references, and all the reference files may also need to be versioned. You can create version copies of these DGN files as a group in ProjectWise Explorer.
To create new versions of a DGN and its references, select the master DGN document and then right click to choose Set>Show References.
In the set contents window, select the master DGN document at the top and all the references below it. Right click and choose New>Version.
The Define Version Rules window will appear giving you the opportunity to provide a version label for the entire set of versions. If you leave this field blank, the label will be set to the next available alpha character. Click OK to complete the process.
ProjectWise is configured so that a master DGN file will use the active versions of its references by default. You could choose any version of a reference you wish the master document to use in ProjectWise Explorer. The specific version of the reference you choose will be used going forward unless you change it.
To change the version used of a reference file, select the master DGN document and right click to choose Set>Manage Reference Versions. The Reference Version Manager window opens. Select the reference file from the list you wish to change and click the Select Version button.
The Select Document Version window opens which displays a list of that reference document's versions. Choose the desired version from the list and click OK.
You can use the same Reference Version Manager tool to set a particular reference file to use its active version. Select the read-only version of the reference file from the list and click the Switch to Active Version button. Click OK to complete the process.
You may also revert all a master DGN file's references to use their active versions at one time. Select the master DGN file and right click to choose Set>Switch Primary References to Active Versions.
In selecting this option you'll get prompted with the dialog stating do you want to switch all primary references to active versions? Click Yes to complete setting all the referenced files back to the original version.