How to Convert Mesh to Triangulation model and Display Contours in MX-Road


 Applies To 
 Product(s):Bentley MXROAD
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Mesh Aanlysis 
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Purva Lakde. Product Advantage Group







Steps to Accomplish :

1. Select subdivision site in Google Earth and Window into area of interest. (Make sure Google View is reset)

2. Create a new and empty project (must not contain any other files) before you start the MX. After starting MX, select 'New Project' and select the new folder.

3. Both Google Earth and MXROAD must be open simultaneously.

4. Import selected area of interest from Google Earth in MXROAD using Geographic Co-ordinate system.

5. Choose "Wireframe" display option on the Display style tab from View Attributes and Select MX Keyins > mx export mesh2tria

6. Select the mesh from the view (Left mouse click on mesh)

7. Data point (Left mouse click) in view to accept the selection. Click on the frame to select the frame and outside the frame to confirm the selection.

8. As soon as accept the selection, Triangulation from Mesh window pops out.

9. Enter the Triangulation name “DTM TRIANGLES” and “Model not Found Window” pops out. Select to accept, Triangulation name as “TX00” the select <OK>.

The MX Triangulation is now ready for use.

10. Select MX Analysis > Surface Analysis, Model to analyse is ‘DTM TRIANGLES’, Triangulation String Name ‘TX00’ and hit Next.

11. Select Contours and set Normal and Prominent Contour Interval  > Next.

12. Uncheck ‘Delete Analysis from the Display’ , Check ‘Compress Model and Drawing Files’ > Finish.


14.  To remove the wireframe from MX view, click on Element Selection icon (arrow icon), select the wireframe, once the wireframe is highlighted click delete button

15. Contours has been displayed below.

Please let me know if you have any questions on the same.