Plan view display of arcs and spirals in alignment and linear features in OpenRoads Designer

Product(s):OpenRoads Designer
Area: Geometry
Original Author:Marcus Blake, Bentley Technical Support Group



How can I change the display of horizontal alignment curves and spirals in plan view?


Check the linear feature symbology associated with the feature definition of the alignment. This can be found by opening Explorer from OpenRoads Modeling workflow in the home tab under the primary group.

After opening Explorer go to OpenRoads Standards>Feature Definitions, then right click on the desired feature definition and select properties to see the linear feature symbology associated with the referenced feature definition.

Once you've determined the associated feature symbology, in Explorer, navigate to OpenRoads Standards>Feature Symbologies.


 Here, you can see there are 3 element templates controling the plan display of this feature.

If you want to change the display (color, level, weight, etc...) of the alignments arc or spiral, simply open the element template dialogue,

then make your desired changes. In the example below, we shown making a change to the color of arcs.