Entitlement Management Overview

The Entitlement Management Service, located on the Subscription Services Portal of the CONNECT Center, allows an Administrator to manage license usage notifications for their Organization's applications.

To access the Entitlement Management Service



The Home screen displays basic subscription information pertaining to your account. 


Home Page of the Entitlement and License Management page

Drilling into the tile with your Subscription Type will take you to "Your Application Portfolio", which is a list of all licenses available under your subscription (see item 3 below). If you have more than one contract type, there will be multiple tiles, one for each contract type. Possible tiles include - 

If you have different contracts in different countries, or an E365 agreement, you will have a dropdown to select Entitlements by country, or Global (available to all countries).

Select Country in the Entitlement Management

Entitlement Management - Options

The functions of this Service that are currently accessible via the Entitlement Management drop-down menu.


1. Subscription Information

This screen displays the basic subscription information pertaining to your account as previously displayed on the Home screen.

In the upper area you see your company name and the Ultimate Number assigned to it. Your contract type will be displayed below your company name as a large tile, which also includes the Expiration Date.


The Expiration Date includes 60-day grace period, which is added to the actual contract expiration date. This allows you to use the purchased licenses in a situation, when you did not renew the contract before its expiration date.

Date format used for the Expiration Date is: MM/DD/YY - month/day/year, e.g. 03/26/2022.

 Subscription Information


2. Users and Groups

Users -

The Users page shows you a list of your Bentley application users.  They can be managed via User Management, which is accessed by the 'User Management' button on the Subscriptions Services Portal of the CONNECT Center. Entitlements may be added or removed for specific users by clicking on the user name. This can also be achieved in the next part under groups by adding "or User Name" where it says "Select the Group Name…"

Groups, Allowed Applications -

Entitlement groups are groups of users created in User Management. Merely having a user as a member of an Entitlement group does not change their access until the applications that the Entitlement Group can access are defined. 

Drilling into a Group name allows you to see what applications the Group is granted access to. Entitlement Groups by default have access to all applications. As soon as an application is explicitly added to an Entitlement Group, the list of allowed applications become a "white list" - Any application not explicitly listed as an "Allowed Application" becomes a denied application.

Click the "+" to add additional entitlements.


Groups, SELECTServer Keys -

The SELECTServer Keys tab is used to manage SELECTServer Keys mapped to Entitlement Groups. From here you can Enable / Disable activation keys, create new activation keys, remove activation keys from an Entitlement Group, and set an expiration date on custom activation keys. 


More info can be found here :  Groups - Managing Access

For steps on how to create groups see How to Create User Management Groups


Entitlement Country (Administrator Setup) -

A user's entitlements are determined by their Organizational affiliation and country. When a user profile is created, users are assigned the following:

A user's profile country is selected at the time of registration. Their entitlement country is automatically assigned based on the rules below.

Administrators can decide what Entitlements should be assigned when they register

**Please note: Entitlement Management  settings only apply to applications that use Subscription Entitlement Service and are not applicable to applications that are used with SELECTserver activation keys.


3. Your Application Portfolio

Drilling into a contract tile will display all licenses available via that contract, within your organization, by country (there is a dropdown to select the country in the upper left corner). You can sort a column by clicking on that column's header (the first click will sort ascending, another click will sort descending). You can also search for a specific application by using the "funnel" next to application name on the header row.


General Access is defined here:



Select 'License Alerting' to configure the Term Licensing Alerts and Notifications required for Administrators and Users.

Please Note: License Alerting applies to the Term Licensing pop-up alert displayed to users while Notifications apply to the messaging sent to Administrators and Co-Administrators.



User Settings:

Select the license threshold for when the alert will occur.  You should set a threshold that reflects your company policy.  If you wish to reduce the risk that a Term License is issued for this product, you should set the threshold to be at or below the number of licenses held for this product.  Otherwise you can set it to the number of licenses (perpetual + term) that you wish to allow.

Please Note: There are situations that may prevent the alert from displaying.  Some of these situations are described in the Subscription Entitlement Service FAQ.  Organizations should be aware that regardless of the alerting settings, it is still the responsibility of the Organization to fulfill the obligations of their license agreement.

Optionally, you can customize the message that is displayed at the time of the alert.


Finally, you can decide if offline usage is enabled.  If set to ON, the user must be online and signed in to the application in order to be able to user it.  If this is set to OFF, users will be able to continue to use the product in the event that they have no network connection when they start the application or during their session of application usage.


Administrator Settings

This allows the Administrator to receive notifications for any usage that occurs past the limit they designated.

Please Note:  Click 'Save to apply changes or they will be lost.



4. License Alerting (All Applications)

The instructions outlined above in Step 3 allow an Administrator to apply notification options to a specific application.  To apply the same notification rules to all your Bentley applications, use the 'License Alerting (All Applications)' option.

Toggle on 'Enable Alerting and Notifications (all applications)' to receive a notification when a desktop application will exceed the usage limit set. 

Set the appropriate notification levels.

If you need to change the values, you may do so under 'Exceptions'.



5. License Checkout



License Checkout

 - Administrator access, used to check out or view checked out licenses for users (to facilitate offline use without a network connection), when offline usage is allowed, but is anticipated to exceed 7 days)


Bulk License Checkout

- Administrator access, used to bulk check out or view checked out licenses via a .CSV file.


Checkout Restrictions

 - To enable / disable (via toggle) the ability of users to check out licenses  via the Bentley License Tool. Checkouts enabled for all applications. To add restrictions, enable restrictions.


The Administrator can use this page to view current and past license checkouts, as well to check out a new license.

To view the application checked out per license, expand the down arrow after each user.

Select 'New License Checkout' and enter the defined options for a new license.

See How to check out licenses from Entitlement Management for more information


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