License Checkouts

For extended offline scenarios beyond the offline period of products (i.e. usually seven days), Subscription Entitlement Service provides the capability to reserve, or check out, licenses.


List of Contents

Admin - Generate License File
User - Import License File
Check In a License - Admin and Client
Checkout History

Generate License File - Admin

To create a checkout, the first step is for an Administrator or Co-Administrator to generate a license file.

1. Navigate to license checkout. This is the new License Checkout page.

2. From the top right corner choose the “Entitlement Country.” This corresponds to the Usage Country on the IMS user’s profile.

3. Click on the "New" button. 

The section will expand from the right panel.


Expired checkouts will not be listed under the 'Expired' section after 3 months 

4. Select the License Service that the product version uses

For more information about what activation method (license service) is used by what product versions, see: Products Using Subscription Entitlement Service

The required information is:

5. Select the User or Email the checkout is for. A checkout is valid for only one user.


The user specified need not be the recipient of the license file. We recommend specifying the recipient if he or she has a Bentley login since the name will appear on the Active Checkouts list. Otherwise, specify the administrator generating the license file.

6. Enter the name of the machine that the license will be used on

7. For SELECTserver only, enter that Activation Key that the checkout will be associated to.

The list of keys available will be those associated to the country chosen earlier.

8. Select the expiration date for the checkout. If your contract end date is less than a year, the checkout will automatically be set for your contract end date. If it is greater than a year, the checkout will automatically be set for one year.

9. Begin typing the Application name and select it from the drop-down. A checkout may have one or more applications.

After selecting the applications, click the “Add” button

10. Type in the application version to be checked out. Choose the version from the presented list or type in the full version number.

To remove an application, click on the “trash can icon” to the far right.

11. Once all of the required information is entered, the “License Checkout” button will become active.

12. Click on the License Checkout button. This will begin a download of the license file to your machine. At this time, Bentley has begun recording 24/7 usage of the application until the license has been checked in.

The browser will prompt you to download a license file with either a .BELIC or .XML extension (for SES or SELECTserver License Service respectively) . Save it and transfer it to the user's machine.

For verification purposes, the checked out license will now appear in the Checkouts list with both a user name and computer name. Expand the listing by clicking the carat to see the product, version number, and expiration date for the license.

Import License File - Client

1. Transfer the generated license file (.belic for SES-based versions, or .xml for SELECTserver-based versions) to the recipient's computer.

2. For SES-based products, import the license file via the Bentley Licensing Tool. For SELECTserver-based products, import the license file via the License Management Tool.


CONNECTION Client will still prompt for sign-in but can be safely dismissed. The product will function if a checked out license is present.

In case a single physical machine is shared by multiple users with different Windows profile login then we recommend checking out the license via the EM portal and importing the resulting BELIC file on every Windows profile that will need it.

Check In a License - Admin and Client


Accounts without a maintenance agreement (Non-SELECT accounts) cannot check-in licenses from the Entitlement/License Management portal - Non-SELECT licenses are to be managed locally via the License tool on each workstation. For more details see:

The license will automatically check in once the expiration date has been reached. But the license can be checked in early.

Both the client (disconnected) and Admin should check in the license. When checking in a license from a standalone machine, the Bentley Licensing Tool should offer to clear the license. If it does not, upgrade CONNECTION Client since older versions do not have this feature. Please see the Downloads options

Current checkouts have two icons. The green button   is to check-in license. The arrow down   is to download the license file.

Use the toggle switch “expired”   to identify the expired checkouts.

The expired checkouts are highlighted red, and the active checkouts remain white.

You may select multiple active checkouts and download all of them at once in a zip file. You may also select multiple checkouts to check-in at once. When one or more checkouts are selected, options for check-in and download license will be activated.

Checkout History

At the bottom of the License Checkout page is a table with your organization’s active and expired checkouts.

From here you can manage your current checkouts. Drag and drop the column header to the row directly above the column headers to sort the table. You may add multiple columns for a custom sort. Click on the label to toggle between ascending and descending.

You may also filter each column by clicking on the filter icon  

Or sort by each column by just clicking on it. This sort option is overridden by the custom sort above the column headers.

See also

Bentley Licensing Tool

Other Language Sources

