Selecting & Moving a Sign Panel


OpenRoad SignCAD 2023 & 2024

Version: &



Original Author: 

Bentley Global Technical Support 

Introduction:  The instructions and video below show how to select and move panels in OpenRoads SignCAD.

Step 1: Click on Panels>Panel Selection to turn it on.

Step 2: Pick the Element Selection tool.

Step 3: Left-click on the panel to select it.

NOTE: Signs created using the Rectangular Panel will show the selection boxes on each of the panel corners. Signs created using the Standard Sign Panel will show the panel selection box in the middle of the panel.

Step 4: To move the selected panel around on the workspace, hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor. Let go of the left mouse button to place the panel in the new location on the workspace.

Step 5: To see the properties for the selected panel, pick Properties.