Exclude Notes From the Daily Report

You can exclude Notes from a Daily Report  by:

Manually Exclude Notes

  1. Hover over the Note you wish you exclude.

  2. Click on the Note menu icon (displayed as on the top right of the note).

  3. Click on "Unapprove."

Enable Approval Process

This is done on a project level, so it must be done on each project you wish to enable this on.

  1. To begin enter the project you wish to enable this on.

  2. Click on "PROJECT SETTINGS" (displayed as    to the right of the daily report).

  3. Click on "Report Settings."

  4. Scroll down to the section called "APPROVAL PROCESS"

  5. Check the box that says "Require approval to include in reports."

  6. Click "Save" when you are done.

  7. Every note will be "Unapproved," and will need to be manually approved by clicking on a blue "Approve" on the bottom right of each note.