View 4D Model in Control (Video)
Once the SYNCHRO Control project has a model added users can tag the model within their forms. Any task assigned to the user with a tagged model location will have an icon on the map view in My Tasks.
Other than Model View from My Work, you can access the Model View from different places in SYNCHRO Control, including iModel Window on the home page, or in the Schedule Module.
The viewer offers you the freedom to customize your own workspace by implementing smart docking from SYNCHRO 4D PRO. Left-click and drag a window, and the smart docking will appear as shown below. You can drag the window to the desired location and dock it.
Due to the complexity of the Model View, we will divide it into four separate sessions: Header, Footer, Side Panel, and iModel Window, to discover Model Viewer in detail.
The header area contains Element Selection Tool settings and the iModel Selector.
- Clicking on the drop-down arrow can take you to the other iModels available in this Control project.
- Selected Single: Single selection method that allows the selection of individual elements.
- Select by Crossing Line: A multi-selection method. All the objects crossed by the line drawn on the screen will be selected.
- Select by Box Corners: A multi-selection method. All the objects within the square drawn on the screen will be selected.
- Replace Current Selection: Allows the replacement of the existing selecting method with a new one.
- Replace Current Selection: Allows the replacement of the existing selecting method with a new one.
- Replace Current Selection: Allows the replacement of the existing selecting method with a new one.
The Footer contains some of the often-used functions for all projects, including Views, Settings, Snap Mode, Shared Measurements, etc.
- Messages: Shows error messages or messages from some tools.
- Selection Information: identifies the selected control inputs when using a Mouse or Touch screen.
- Saved Views: Allows users to save multiple views for easy access to view different parts of the model quickly.
- Playback: Hide or show the playback bar for the 4D iModel. Allows users to play the sequence of the linked construction schedule. The user can pick different speeds and have the animation play on repeat.
- Diagnostic Tools: Displays the diagnostic tool options.
- Presentation: Allows users to switch between different render modes (Smooth Shade, Solid Fill, Hidden Line, Wireframe) and View Attributes.
- Snap Mode: Displays the available snap options to select.
- Selection Scope: Allows users to switch between Element, Assembly, and Top Assembly.
- Settings: Allows users to change the settings, including switching the unit system from Imperial to Metric, changing display settings, and changing user interface settings.
Side Panel
The Side Panel supports smart docking that if there is a tool set that you use often, you can drag and dock that window at a desired location. In this view, the side bar contains: Tree View, Map Layers, Reality Data, Search, Data Visualization, 2D Views, and Civil Reports.
- Visibility Tree: Allows user to turn on or off elements by using the Model Tree, Categories, or Spatial Containment.
- Map Layers: Display and create map layers.
- Reality Data: Display or hide reality data overlaying the iModel. Refer to this wiki to create a connection to a reality data model.
- Search: Search for elements by user label or code value.
- Data Visualization: Quickly color code iModel based on Class, Property, and Condition set for the data from the iModel.
- 2D Views: Search and display 2D views.
- Civil Reports: Generate civil reports such as Alignment Geometry Report, Quantity Report By Area, and Quantity Report By Alignment in a couple of clicks from the iModel.