Below are a few known issues while working on the SYNCHRO 4D Pro and 4D collaboration project hosted through SYNCHRO Control:
When uploading an existing .sp file to seed an iModel, the deployment will fail if the project contains exact duplicates in any of the following items:
While SYNCHRO Pro and 4D Pro do not allow users to create duplicates, duplicates may have been imported from another program (schedule or 3D). If that is the case, after uploading your .sp to an iModel in SYNCHRO Control, you will see the following status:
If this happens, please contact to help resolve the duplicates
Before editing the iModel in SYNCHRO Modeler (which is supported only for projects where iModel is the source of the geometry), users should close the project in SYNCHRO 4D Pro. DO NOT work in both SYNCHRO 4D Pro and SYNCHRO Modeler simultaneously. Because SYNCHRO Modeler pulls the model locally in order to slice it, working in SYNCHRO 4D Pro and SYNCHRO Modeler simultaneously may cause data conflicts. This could result in the following error as shown in SYNCHRO Control>Administration>Manage iModel
Because there are no distinct users in 4D Pro when connected to a Control Project, there is no longer a separate 3D Filter by Selection for each user. The Hide Selected and Isolate Selected functions will update the 3D Filter by Selection for all users. This means that if User 1 selects a set of objects and applies Hide Selected, then User 2 selects a different set of objects and applies Isolate selected, User 1’s 3D view will be updated to show the same set of objects as User 2. This is only an issue when multiple users are trying to use the 3D Filter by Selection at the same time. If other connected users do not have the 3D Filter by Selection applied, Hide Selected and Isolate Selected when applied by one user will not affect the 3D View of the other users. As a workaround, users may add and apply a new 3D Filter by 3D and use Add Selected to Filter (Ctrl+Shift+S) or Remove Selected from Filter (Ctrl+Shift+D)
Synchronization of changes from SYNCHRO 4D Pro to SYNCHRO Control and SYNCHRO Field, or from SYNCHRO Field to SYNCHRO 4D Pro is not real-time, but near real-time at the moment. Depending on the size of the project, there may be a lag of more than 30 minutes between when a change is made to a schedule or model in SYNCHRO 4D Pro and when this change is visible in SYNCHRO Control or SYNCHRO Field, and vice versa. Therefore, SYNCHRO Open Viewer is still recommended if you need to view real-time changes made by multiple SYNCHRO 4D Pro users.
There is a also a Synchronization time between when changes are made to the iModel via iTwin Connections/Synchronizer and when these changes are visible in SYNCHRO 4D Pro. Please check the status in Control>Administration>iModel importer. The most recent Synchronization time (from/ to iModel)
If you see fewer lines or shapes in the Control model viewer than in 4D Pro, try the following:
In Control model viewer (Schedule or Forms>Model views), select the View Display icon
In the View Display settings, toggle on Construction Lines
If you notice that Layouts are not saving correctly in 4D Pro:
Open Navigator>Documents and select SynchroSystemFiles folder
In the Documents>Files tab right click on SynchroLayouts.slt and select Extract to save the file locally
In Navigator>Layouts, right click to Import Layouts… and import the .slt file you just saved
If you encounter a failed or paused sync in Control>Administration>Manage iModel, select the iModel menu button [...] and select Resubmit to restart or resume sync.
This happens because these properties are not added to the Forms when the project was created/ provisioned. On the individual project, user can choose to edit the Form and make sure the properties are added
If the project was created from an organization template, and user wants to enable this for multiple projects, in the organization template, statuses of a custom form (that has been previously created) can be edited to enable CapturedTasks, CapturedResources and Captured3DObjects then set the Form back to Published. For an existing project that used the template and had the issue, it can be reprovisioned with the org template. Then open the Control project in SYNCHRO 4D Pro, user then can capture Tasks, Resources and 3D.
Currently, if user creates Form(s) from selected Task(s) and if there are more than one Form Definition with the same name, 4D Pro may be confused and picked the Form definition with Draft Status (instead of the Form definition with the same name but "Published" status). Because in the Forms grid in 4D Pro, user still only sees the Form definition with the same name in "Published" status, and cannot see the new Form(s) created from the selected Task(s) in another Form definition (with the same name) but different status, which causes user to believe that one is not able to create Form(s) from selected Task(s). Therefore, it is recommended using unique Form definition name to avoid confusion until fix is available in 4D Pro to only allow user to create Forms in "Published" Status.
Sometimes user sees Forms (and buttons in Forms window) completely greyed out and disabled while working on a 4D Collaboration project hosted through SYNCHRO Control. This is because a second instance of SYNCHRO 4D Pro was run (using the same port). The workaround is to close out all not used 4D Pro instances, then open this Control project again when you will see the Forms window is no longer greyd out. If you must have another SYNCHRO 4D Pro instance running in parallel to work on Forms (this is not recommended), please reach out to for instructions.
In case when TCP port 3000 is not available (used by other apps) for SYNCHRO 4D Pro authentication comeback, there is another alternative, 15954. Follow the steps below and configure in registry:
1. If you encounter a failed or paused sync in Control>Administration>Manage iModel, select the imodel menu button [...] and select Re-enter user credential to authenticate again.
2. When the source of the geometry is iModel Connections, some object attributes (User Fields) may be missing when viewing the model in 4D Pro. These attributes may be viewed in Control or 4D Modeler.
See also: Differences between SYNCHRO 4D and SYNCHRO Workgroup Project (SWP)