WaterSight - Smart Meters

Product(s): WaterSight
Version(s): 10.00.
Area: Documentation



Administration page used to import smart meter information into WaterSight. Only applicable for flow sensors and it should be only for large customers.

It is possible to import smart meter information through a configuration excel file (template file available for download in the Digital Twin Setup page) or to manually add those. After uploading information, it is also possible to edit, delete or copy information, using the available buttons located above the table. 

Note: To enable the Copy, Edit and Remove options, please select a smart meter first (row in the table). When clicking in a specific smart meter (table row) the fields available for editing will appear on a right side property grid.

The more actions button includes:

Connecting to Smart meters/AMI systems

In order to have smart meters transmitting real time data into WaterSight, it is required that:

Smart Meters Configuration Table

Note: Minimum required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Column Description

Required field. Unique name(ID in the time series database for each sensor. Please just consider flow type. 

Note: it is important not to confuse the smart meter ID in the telemetry system with the smart meter billing ID in the commercial system. Here it is required to fill with the first. 

Name The name which will be displayed in the application. If empty, tag name will be used.

Required field. Only flow is supported.  

Units* Required field. Units of the parameter in the database.
Communication Frequency*

Required field. Communication or transmit frequency. The typical time interval in minutes in which the collected/read data is sent to the database (eg: 60 = in every 60 minutes data is send to the database).

Note: most SCADA sensors have low communication frequencies (communicate every minute or every 5 minutes for example) but some sensors (like for example dataloggers, AMI systems,, IOT devices) may communicate with the data source only once or twice a day but download data covering multiple time steps at one time

Registration Frequency*

Required field. Minimum read frequency. The time in minutes interval in which at least one data point is expected to be registered in the database (E.G 15 means at least one data point is expected every 15 minutes)

Note: This is different from the communication frequency. One sensor may only communicate once a day, but the registration frequency may be every 5 minutes for example (this means that data gets into the data source only once a day, but when it arrives there is data for all the day in every 5 minutes time step)

Address Optional. Address of the smart meter.
Diameter Optional. Diameter of the smart meter
Units Optional. Units of the diameters reported for the smart meters. 
Installation Date It is marked as required. If this information does not exist, please define a installation date that does not apply (for example 1800). 
Deactivation Date Optional. If the customer was disconnected from the network, user should fill the deactivation date.
Meter type Optional. Indicates if it is a volumetric meter or velocity/velocimetric meter. 
Costumer type Optional. The user can choose between Industrial, Domestic, Services and others. 
Is Critical Required. If corresponds to a critical customer (for example an hospital) set to Yes. If this information is not provided please set all to No. 
Is Large Required. Ideally all the smart meters included should be only related to large customers. Set this field to Yes. Only those defined as Large Customers (option set to Yes) will be used in WaterSight.
Longitude* Required field. Longitude related to sensor location. The coordinate system should be defined by the user before the upload of the file in the settings >> Coordinate Systems
Latitude* Required field. Latitude related to sensor location. The coordinate system should be defined by the user before the upload of the file in the settings >> Coordinate Systems
Zone Optional. Zone that the smart meter belongs to. The zone name must match the name given in the Admin >> Zones. 
Last Instant in DB Once a connection between WaterSight and Sensors data source is established, this column will display the last instant available in the database. This information is only provided directly from the WaterSight UI and does not exist in the configuration template

Optional. The priority when displaying in the sensor overview. Note that a priority of 0 means that the Large Customer sensor will not be included or shown in the Large Customer overview and Maps (Large Customers)


Optional. Pattern group assigned to the smart meter . Pattern groups can be created the the Administration > Settings > Pattern. If Pattern None is selected, then no patterns will be computed and displayed in the sensor graph. Patterns are displayed in the Large Customer graphs as grey bands. This information is only provided and editable directly from the WaterSight UI and does not exist in the configuration template.

Note: When uploading the smart meter configuration file for the first time, the default patterns will be assumed - Weekday, Saturday and Sunday

Special Periods

Optional. Special Periods can be defined by the user in Admin >> Settings page. For those special periods defined, smart meter patterns can be customized/adjusted by the user. More information about pattern customization here


Optional. Tags allow to group smart meters inside the application, so it is easier to search and find specific sensors of interest.


Tags (User defined groups)

It is possible to insert tags (or user defined groups) for each smart meter, by directly filling the Tags column in the Smart meter Configuration Template or by directly clicking  Edit   in the property grid. Once tags are defined, those will be available in the Network Monitoring and Maps pages, so that is easier to search and find specific sensors of interest. Below some examples of groups that may be relevant:


See also

OpenFlows WaterSight TechNotes and FAQ's

WaterSight Learning Resources Guide

Sensors Configuration

Sensor Data Acquisition Requirements

Large Customer Overview (Graphs)

Maps (Large Customers)

AMI for Hydraulic Model