"Report Generator Error: Program Failed to merge documents" message appears in AutoPIPE when creatin

Applies To
Area: Report
Date Logged
& Current Version
Nov 2019


The following appears in AutoPIPE when exporting a model input listing:

Bentley AutoPIPE
Report Generator Error: Program failed to merge documents.

Why and How to resolve?


With AutoPIPE 12.02.x and lower, creating a Word Input Listing or Output Listing Report are still an Technology Preview,

NOTE: Technology Previews provide users preliminary access to features currently in development but not yet ready for production. These features are provided at no additional charge to promote awareness of a feature or technology to be deployed in a future release. Users are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions. To learn more about Technology Previews, please create a Service Request (be sure to include Technology Preview in the Description field).

There is a known issue with creating reports using AutoPIPE 12.02.xx.xx, and will be fixed in 12.03.x & higher (1062240). There is no workaround at this time. 

If you are using a  different version than 12.02, please log a Service Request referencing this WIKI page. 

See Also

"Bentley AutoPIPE" Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE