Can we vary depth of I girders in Consplice/Spliced Girder?

Yes, you can vary depth of the girder thru the Section Variation dialog box. 

To open the Section Variation dialog box, select the Variable option from the Cross Section list in the Layout grid from the Girder tab.

Identification of Beam:  The identification of the beam is entered in the Section Variation ID field. After entering a section variation ID and appropriate data in the Section Variation dialog, the section variation ID will automatically be added to the Cross Section drop-down list in the Layout screen. 

Cross Section Library List:  From the Cross Section drop-down list, select a starting “base” section as available in the Cross Section library. Since the section variation and options are used primarily for non-prismatic beams, the information specific to beam height, bottom flange thickness, and prismatic lengths are entered.

Note: For all cross sections selected in the Cross Section drop-down list, the section property information (i.e., Area, Moment of Inertia, C.G.) is computed using the Dimension option in the Cross Section library. 

Section Variations:  The five types of section variations are: linear, span parabolic, pier linear, pier parabolic and general. Each section variation option has its own set of input grid parameters. 

Linear:  To input a linear beam variation, click on the Linear button to activate the Linear grid. Enter the appropriate lengths in the Prismatic Length (ft) , Height (ft), and Bot. Flange Th. (in) fields for the left and right beam ends.

The prismatic length is defined as the length of constant beam depth measured from either the left/right beam end. Once the linear variation information is entered between the left and right prismatic sections LEAP CONSPLICE will automatically compute a linear variation (to the bottom of the beam) between the two prismatic sections. Similarly, once the bottom flange thickness is entered in the Bot. Flange Th. (in) field LEAP CONSPLICE automatically computes a linear transition (from the top of the bottom flange) between the two prismatic sections.

Span Parabolic: To input a span parabolic beam variation, click on the Span Parabolic button for the Span Parabolic grid to activate. The Span Parabolic grid functions similar to the Linear grid, however instead of computing a linear transition it computes a parabolic transition between the two prismatic sections. 

Pier Linear:  To input a pier linear beam variation, click on the Pier Linear button to activate the Pier Linear grid. In the prismatic and pier rows enter values for the left and right beam ends within the Length (ft), Height (ft), and Bot. Flange Th. (in) fields.

By default, the beam length previously entered in the Layout screen will be defined in each variation section. Also, the prismatic left and right beam ends can have unsymmetrical values.

Pier Parabolic:  To input a pier parabolic beam variation, click on the Pier Parabolic button for the Pier Parabolic grid to activate. The pier parabolic grid functions are similar to the pier linear grid, except for the parabolic transition computation between the left and right prismatic sections.

Note: For both the linear and parabolic variation beam sections a value of “0.0” may be entered in either the left beam end or the right beam end. However, a positive value must be entered within the Bot. Flange Th. (in) field for both the left and right beam ends. 

General:  To enter general beam cross section variations along the beam length, click the General button on the original Section Variation dialog to activate the General variation grid.

Within this grid you can input any beam cross sectional changes and/or variations within the beam cross section along the beam length. Within the Sec. # column is listed the Start and End rows. Select a cross section type from the Section drop-down list. (You will have to select the input field under the Section column in order to activate the drop-down list). Right mouse click on the Start field to insert additional beam section variations. Once the additional beam sections are defined you can specify the section locations and variation types accordingly. To select a variation type, click on the Variation drop-down list and select one of the following options: Linear, Par-S, or Par-E. LEAP CONSPLICE computes a parabolic transition starting at the selected Sec. # for Par-S (start). LEAP CONSPLICE also computes a parabolic transition ending at the selected Sec. # for Par-E (end).  

Variation Type: The Variation Type field displays the type of variation currently activated. 

End Block Information: In the End Block Information section input the left and right end block lengths, transition lengths, and end block web thicknesses in their respective fields. Input information for either the left or right end blocks, both ends, or neither. 

Graphic Window: The graphic window is where the activated beam is viewed while being updated. 

Variation Grid: Input the parameters in the grid according to the section variation type selected. 

NOTE:  Please open tutorial "tutor4.cpt" to see an example of the variation.  For more please open "ConsplicePT.chm" file form installation Help folder (C:\Program Files\Bentley\OpenBridge Designer 2023.00\LEAPBridgeConcrete\SplicedGirder\Help) and navigate to General Operations > Section Variation Dialog Box to read more about it.