Elements from a Reference not appearing in Cross Section Views

Product(s):InRoads, GEOPAK, MX
Area: Cross Sections
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group



When creating a set of cross sections or opening a dynamic cross section view, there is information which is not appearing in the sections.  The attached existing Terrain Model and design Corridors which are referenced into their working DGN file appear in the Default 3D Model but they are not showing in the cross sections.  If you hover over the element in the 3D model, you can see a graphical element appear as though it is highlighted in the sections but there is no physical line appearing.


This is occurring because the reference files have an option toggled ON to 'Ignore Attachment When Live Nesting'.   When attaching a reference file with civil information to display, this option needs to be toggled OFF.  This option will need to be turned off for any reference file which is attached and once toggled off, the graphics will appear correctly.


Note:  This could also be a result of an issue with the Dynamic Cross Section View.  Please also refer to this article:
