What's New in HAMMER V8i SELECTSeries 3?

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Bentley HAMMER
 Version(s):V8i SELECTseries 3 (
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Scott Kampa, Bentley Technical Support Group


The SELECTseries 2 release of HAMMER V8i includes many new features and improvements. This technote explores each change.

- Support for 64-bit Operating Systems and Newer Platforms
- Support for Vented Surge Tanks

- Support for Dipping Tube Tanks


Support for Newer Platforms

Bentley HAMMER V8i SELECTSeries 3 now supports the following platforms:


Support for Vented Surge Tanks

Previous versions of HAMMER were more limited in the types of hydropneumatic tanks that could be modeled. New types were added with HAMMER V8i SELECTSeries 3.

A vented hydropneumatic tank is effectively a sealed tank with the addition of an air valve at the top. This allows air at atmospheric pressure to enter the tank during a downsurge so that the device behaves like a one-way surge tank. During an upsurge, the air valve typically throttles the air outflow so that the gas within the tank is compressed and acts as a 'cushion' against transients (just like a sealed hydropneumatic tank). This device offers several practical benefits - for example since the tank typically has no gas inside, there is no need for compressors or a bladder to ensure a required gas volume is maintained.

To choose the Vented Surge Tank, open the Properties of the hydropneumatic tank by doubleclicking the element in the drawing pane. Find the item “Hydropneumatic Tank Type” and set this to Vented. A new set of properties will appear. Fill in the properties necessary to compute the model.

Support for Dipping Tube Tanks

In addition to the vented surge tank types, support for dipping tube tanks as also added. A dipping tube hydropneumatic tank has a dipping (or ventilation) tube inside with an air valve at the top. During normal operation the air valve is closed, the water level is above the bottom of the dipping tube, and gas is compressed in the 'compression chamber'. If the hydraulic grade line drops (e.g. after a pump stop) the dipping tube tank acts like a regular (sealed) hydropneumatic tank until the water surface drops below the bottom of the dipping tube, after which the air valve opens and allows air to enter at atmospheric pressure. At this point the tank is acting like a surge tank that is open to atmosphere. If the hydraulic grade line increases again (e.g. if pumps come on), air will be expelled until the hydraulic grade line rise enough to close the air valve. At this point the water surface will be above the bottom of the dipping tube and the tank will act like a regular sealed hydropneumatic tank once again.

To choose the Dipping Tube Tank, open the Properties of the hydropneumatic tank by doubleclicking the element in the drawing pane. Find the item “Hydropneumatic Tank Type” and set this to Dipping Tube. A new set of properties will appear. Fill in the properties necessary to compute the model.


Pump Station Results in the Property Grid

In earlier releases of WaterGEMS and WaterCAD, the pump station element properties were limited to the activate topology setting and which pumps were associated with it. WaterGEMS and WaterCAD V8i SELECTSeries 3 introduces a more robust property grid.

The property grid now displays detailed results fields for the Energy Cost Summary and Energy Costs for the pump station. You can review these fields by double-clicking the pump station element. Note that the results will be listed as N/A until an energy cost analysis is conducted on the model.


See Also

Product TechNotes and FAQs

OpenFlows Product Tech Notes And FAQs


External Links

Hydraulics and Hydrology Forum

Bentley SELECTservices

Bentley LEARN Server