gINT Intermittently Closes on Printing or Startup due to Network Printer

 Applies To 
 Product(s):gINT Logs, gINT Professional, gINT Professional Plus
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Printing, Troubleshooting
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Kathleen Holcomb, Bentley Technical Support Group


gINT Intermittently Closes on Printing or Startup due to Network Printer Driver on Network Drive

 gINT sometimes runs into problems with network printers when the printer driver is installed on the network.  gINT may close on startup or when printing with this message:

gINT8.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.

How to Avoid

If gINT is shutting down with an error on startup, or immediately before, during or after printing, the problem may be a Windows issue caused by the printer driver for a network printer. Specifically, if you use a network printer, and the driver for that printer resides on the network rather than on your hard drive, you can experience crashes on startup (if the network printer in question is your default printer) or at print time (if the printer is not the default one but selected for output).

To diagnose if this situation is the cause of your startup or printing problems, determine whether your network printer driver is installed locally or on the server. To do this, select Start Menu   Settings   Printers and Faxes, right-click on the icon of the network printer in question, and select Properties. Look at the title bar of the Properties window—If the driver is installed on the server, then the title bar will say ‘[Printername] on [Servername] Properties’.  Here is an example:

With a locally installed driver for the network printer, it shows just ‘[Printername] Properties’.  Here is an example where the driver is installed locally:

If the driver for the network printer is on the server, you need to install it locally. Obtain the setup CD for the printer, insert it in the CD drive of your local computer (not the server), and run the printer setup program on the CD. This will install the driver locally, and software you run, including gINT, will check locally for a printer driver before searching for it on the network.