Load defects into system as default UNAVAILABLE

 Product(s):Exor Maintenance Manager
 Environment:Windows 8/8.1,Windows 7 32 bit


We are trying to load defects into the system with a default priority, we will then review and change them post loading


In Form HIG9110 query back the metadata set up for defect status and check if UNAVAILABL is configured - a new status is allowed a maximum of 10 characters, set the appropriate feature code flags feature 1=y, feature5=y, and make AVAILABLE status feature 1=N, as UNAVAILABL to become the default status on creation with this arrangement. Note automation rules will not apply as the defect will not be at an appropriate status.  

Column def_priority is not null in the defects table,  so data cannot be saved into the system without a priority, where one is not provided it can calculate ( if configured ), however it doesn’t allow a blank to be saved , if calculated and no Priority is found on calculation, then an error will be returned.

Note priority is used to calculate repair date due.

Set the default defect status for all defects to be UNAVAILABL ( if priorities have to be changed post load ) , and alter to AVAILABLE after manual priority change - this will distinguish which defects remain outstanding. A status change  can be achieved on MAI3808 Inspection form , set batch available button or defect screen off of it.