Import of Conspan reaction to RCpier

Document Information

Document Type: FAQ

Product(s): LEAP RCPIER/Substructure

Version(s): All

Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group -VM

QUESTION: How to Import Conspan reaction to RCpier?


If the user is using Standalone Conspan and RCpier program and wants to import the Conspan reaction to RCpier then he/she needs to follow this procedure.

1) Run the analysis in Conspan . Then go to File menu and click on option " Export to RCpier".

2) Program will generate a text file , then save the text file.

3) Open RCpier , Go to LOADS Tab and select the Live load case.

4) Click on EDIT button and then select the Generate button.

5) In the new window click on IMPORT button below the heading saying "Import Conspan Reaction".

6) In the new window select the Conspan reaction text file .

7) For Select Pier to import Composite Reaction user needs to select 0,1,2 ...

8) If its a 2 span bridge then 0 = Abutment , 1 = pier , 2 = Abutment .

9) Select option 1 if its a pier then click on IMPORT button.

10) Then click on Generate button. This will generate the live loads on the bearings .

11) Follow the same procedure for Dead load cases also.