Resolving File-Open Errors when Starting gINT 8

When you get a file-open error with a gINT database, there are several steps to try to resolve it:

  1. Verify that you are using the current version of the product.
  2. Try launching with a different library. gINT will not open without a working library file -- and this library file is a database, although not a gINT project database. If the gINT program never completely opens, it may indicate that your library file is corrupted. Try opening gINT with a different library file. (Go to the location of a stored library file and double-click the .glb file icon to launch gINT.) If that successfully launches gINT, you will be able to try the following steps to repair the various databases used by gINT. If not, go directly to Step 5.
  3. Delete the Setup.gsh file and let gINT regenerate it upon program launch. Once gINT is open, use the Help menu About gINT option to learn where the Setup.gsh file is stored on your system. Close gINT, then navigate to that location and delete the Setup.gsh file. When you launch gINT again, you will be requested to make initial setup selections and fill out Company Information again, but the possible corrupted pointers in the file will be eliminated.
  4. Use gINT UTILITIES Repair/Compact Databases to select and repair problem files. You can use this utility built into gINT to compact and repair the problem databases. To avoid problems, it is a good idea to compact your working files on a regular basis. For most use levels, once a month will be sufficient. Notice that you can select the Setup.gsh file to repair/compact. If the same file-open error occurs again after repair/compaction of the Setup.gsh file, perform Step 3 to replace the file completely.
  5. If the problem is with the project, try importing the data to a new project. Create a new project.  In Input, open File>Import/Export>Import from Database.  Select the problem project.  Click OK.  When the import is finished examine the import log to make sure this was successful.
  6. If the problem persists, contact the Technical Support Group for gINT.

NOTE: a problem library file does not have to be opened in order to repair it. Use the Browse (three-dot) button at the upper right corner of the Files box in the gINT UTILITIES Repair/Compact Databases  window to select files for this utility without opening them in gINT.

You will need Read-Write permissions for the file(s) to execute the Repair/Compact Databases utility on them.