InRoads on AutoCAd - 64bit Operating System?

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Startup
 Original Author:Chris Key, Bentley Technical Support Group










InRoads is not integrating with AutoCAD when installed on a Windows 64bit Operating System.  It does not recognize any CAD engine and the CAD Platform option is blank.  Is InRoads compatible with AutoCAD on a 64bit machine?


For versions of InRoads up to (and including) InRoads SELECTseries2 version, InRoads is only compatible on AutoCAD on a 32bit Operating System.  Due to coding differences between 32bit and 64bit, we are not able to integrate with AutoCAD on a 64bit Operating System. This CAD Platform requirement is outlined in the System Requirements in the ReadMe documentations.

InRoads SELECTseries3 version is no longer supported on any version of AutoCAD, however with the functionality of the RealDWG in MicroStation users can produce compatible DWG files to provide what is necessary for production.