How to do a Silent Install of GEOPAK

Applies To 
Product(s):Bentley GEOPAK Civil Engineering Suite
Area: Installation
Original Author:Nico Roman, Bentley Technical Support Group


How do I do a silent install of Geopak or Power GEOPAK

Option 1

  1. For GEOPAK Suite , you can use this command (NOTE: edit paths to match the location of files on your system):

     msiexec /i "C:\BentleyDownloads\gpkste08.11.09.789en\GEOPAKSuite.msi" /l*v c:\silent.log /qn 


/i - Normal installation

/l*v c:\silent.log - Produces a log of the installation

/qn - Suppresses the UI of the installer. /qn is a silent install and /qn+ is a silent installation with a single modal dialog indicating that the installation is complete.

(/x - Normal uninstall.)

Option 2

For Power GEOPAK, you have the option to create a Deployment Image:



In the options for the deployment image, you can choose to make it a silent install.  Select Advanced Settings.

Toggle on Silent mode Installation