How to use stacked fractions with True Type fonts within Dimensions?

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Dimensions
 Subarea: Dim Styles
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


How to use stacked fractions with True Type fonts within Dimensions?


In order to do this, you need to set the fractions toggle under the text styles to be on and use the following key-ins.

You can use the following key-in's to change the dimension stacked fraction settings to work with True Type Fonts with the appropriate "X" setting.

To turn on stacked fractions substitute the following for the "X" value X=1 to turn on stacked fractions and 0 to turn it off.
The key-in: mdl load calculate; calculator mdlDimStyle_setBoolIntProp (dgnDimStyle_getActiveFromModelRef ( 0), X, 830)

To set the stacked fraction type use the following for the "X" value:
X=0 use fraction characters from font if they exist (V7 default)
X=1 Horizontal
X=2 Diagonal
The key-in: mdl load calculate; calculator mdlDimStyle_setIntegerProp (dgnDimStyle_getActiveFromModelRef (0), X, 831)

To set the stacked fraction alignment, X=0 Top, 1 Center, 2 Vertical. This is only supported for fractions that are set to horizontal. The key-in: mdl load calculate; calculator mdlDimStyle_setIntege rProp (dgnDimStyle_getActiveFromModelRef (0), X, 829)

To set the stacked fraction scale, X is a factor of the text height. For example, if X = 0.5 fraction text is half the size of the dimension text. If X=0.0 the fraction text is the same size as dimension text.
The key-in: mdl load calculat; calculator mdlDimStyle_setDoubleProp (dgnDimStyle_getActiveFromModelRef (0), X, 832)

See Also