Requesting a Client ID & Secret

(For assistance with any of the items below, please contact support or your OpenGround Implementation Manager.)

Once you have joined the Bentley Developer Network, we will provide you with a “sandbox” cloud for developing your API integrations, as well as any relevant SDK’s and code examples.

You will also need a Client ID, and potentially a Client Secret, depending on the Authentication method you will be using.

Client Credentials Authentication

For Client Credentials (Machine) authentication, you will need to create a user in your sandbox cloud with the appropriate access levels assigned. Assign the user a generic (fake) email address. It shouldn’t be an actual user’s email. The Client ID will be linked to this user's profile.

If you are developing multiple apps, create a user in the sandbox cloud for each app.

Let us know:

  1. The email address.
  2. A name/brief description of the associated app(s) so we can name the Client ID accordingly.
  3. The name of your sandbox/cloud instance(s) where you will be using the app.

We can then provide a unique Client ID and Client Secret for each app.

When you are ready to move your app to production, let us know, and we can link your Client ID to your production cloud.

User Login (Authorization Code) Authentication

For User Login authentication, when working in your sandbox cloud, you can use the generic Client ID:


A Client Secret is not needed for User Login authentication.

When you are ready to deploy your app in your production cloud, let us know:

  1. The name/brief description of the app, and we can provide a Client ID.
  2. The name of your sandbox/cloud instance(s) where you will be using the app.

If desired, a unique Client ID can be requested for use in your sandbox cloud with User Login authentication. Once you're ready to deploy your app, this Client ID can be linked to your production cloud. This may be useful so you can use the same Client ID across both environments.